the Heaton House Montserrat, and Indian Black
P in e ; and appears to be occasionally grown under
the erroneous name of the Brown Sugar-Loaf.
The following description has been made in the
Horticultural Society’s Garden by Mr. James Duncan
L eaves broad, rather long, and slightly recurved,
dark green, much tinged with reddish
b row n ; mealy on both su rfa c es; spines in the
middle degree of strength, and irregular; margins
a little reflexed, and sometimes slightly waved.
F lowers dark purple.
F ruit roundish-ovate, slightly compressed at
either end; before ripening, very deep green, and
thickly covered with farina on the middle part of the
pips; when ripe, of a pale copper colour. P ips
rather above the middle size, generally regularly
angular, and rather prominent. S cales covering
about one half, and terminating in a lengthened
apex. F lesh pale yellow, opaque, very sweet and
rich, firm and crisp, not stringy, and of a very agreeable
C rown about the middle size, deeply stained
with dark red.