Prolific or Conical Hautbois. Hort. Soc. Trans, vol. vi.
p. 213. Hort. Soc. Fruit Cat. p . 60. no. 82.
Double-bearing. . . .
Hermaphrodite . . . . o f the Gardens.
Spring G ro v e ...........
I t is a common observation, th a t good Hautbois
Strawberries are nearly lost. This position is
not correct. The Hautbois, which has male
blossoms on one plant, and female on another, is
frequently found in Gardens; and as the sterile
plants of it are more vigorous than the fertile ones,
the unproductive runners become in time more
numerous, and gain the ascendency, and then the
whole are considered as being deteriorated.
This variety having perfect stamens in all its
flowers, is consequently not liable to the inconvenience
above mentioned, and it is very productive of
fruit. I t frequently, in good seasons, yields a second
crop in autumn, the berries of which are much
larger than those of its regular produce, b u t they
are not very numerous. I t is the best Hautbois
we possess, and was described in the paper in the
Transactions of thè Horticultural Society above