variety; it is much swoln a little above the middle,
going off to the eye either abruptly or gradually,
and tapering straight to the stalk without any contraction
of figure ; when in perfection, it is 3 inches
broad and 4 inches long. S kin when the fruit is
first gathered bright green; changing in a short time
to a bright orange, with little trace of russet; occasionally
it is spotted with russet ; and its dots upon
fruit from standard trees are usually surrounded
with red. E ye close, in a deep cavity, surrounded
by knobs, ribs, or broad protuberances. S talk
strong, woody, inch long, inserted in á deep,
funnel-shaped hole. Flesh clear white, a little
gritty towards the core, but otherwise perfectly
tender and melting, juicy, with a delicious, rich,
aromatic, saccharine flavour, without any perceptible
mixture of acid. Core very small, with narrow
cells. S eeds usually abortive.