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gathered than any other Peach, except the Clingstones.
From its reputed capability of bearing as
a standard, it would be probably found to ripen on
an east or west wall.
Leaves doubly serrated, rather larger than
usual, without glands.
Flowers large, pale.
F ruit middle-sized, generally depressed a t the
apex, with a broad shallow suture on one side, and
slight traces of one on thé other. Colour on the
shaded side pale dull green, n e x t the sun broadly
marbled with broken blotches of dull purplish red.
Flesh greenish yellow, with a slight stain of purple
next the stone, from which it parts freely, very rich
and juicy, with an extremely agreeable vinous
flavour. S tone middle-sized, oval, pointed, rather
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