Blanquet à longue queue. Duhamel, Traité des Arhres
Fruitiers, vol. ii. p . 131. t. 6. B . Noisette, Jardin
Fruitier, tab. 27. Hort. Soc. Fruit Cat. no. 131.
A good early Pear, a great bearer, very sweet,
crisp, and juicy, and not rotting so quickly as most
of the Pears of the same season.
It is one of the first that ripen, being in perfection
from the 20th to the 30th of July. Compared
with others of the same season, it has high
merit, although it certainly does not possess qualities
comparable with those of the rich varieties
peculiar to the end of the season.
The French find great difficulty in distinguishing
the different kinds of Blanquet, which is not to be
wondered at, if we consider the very slight differences
th a t, according to their own account, exist
between them. They are the same in quality, and
one is quite sufficient for any Garden to possess.
Wood strong, reddish brown, a little silvery
on the lower ends. B uds middle-sized, lying close
to the wood.
Leaves small, on very long stalks, finely
Flowers broad, with flat roundish petals,
sometimes rather pink.
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