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Grove-End Scarlet Strawberry. Hort. Transactions, vol. v.
p . 399. Fruit Catalogue, p . 53.
Atkinson’s Scarlet Strawberry, o f some Gardens.
Wilmot’s Early Scarlet Strawberry. Hort. Soc. Fruit
Catalogue, p . 53.
This excellent variety was raised from seed in
the Garden of William Atkinson, Esq. at Grove-
End, near Paddington, in 1820, and was first ex hibited
to the Horticultural Society in 1822. I t
has since th a t time been distributed very extensively
both by Mr. Atkinson and the Horticultural
Society, and is now to be found in most Gardens
where choice fruit is cultivated. I t has supplied
the market of the metropolis with forced fruit during
the two last seasons, from^ the Garden of one of the
principal market gardeners, under the name of the
Early Scarlet.
As a variety of the class of Scarlet Strawberries,
it possesses peculiar m e rit; it is a most productive
b e a re r; the fruit is supported stiffly above the
e a r th ; it forces as well as, if not better than, any
other sort, bears carriage securely, is remarkably
handsome, and, though slightly acid, is very well