F lowers open in the beginning of May, middle-
sized, pale red, tinged with y e llow. P etals
oblong, slightly imbricated at the b a s e ; not concave,
as in many varieties.
F r u i t below the middle size, about twice as
large as a Golden Pippin, ovate, flat at either end,
with no trace of angles or of plaits at the eye. E y e
large, open, in a shallow depression. S k i n greenish
yellow in the shade ; bright orange, with small russet
brown spots, when exposed ; sometimes slightly
tinged with red next the sun. F l e s h whitish
yellow mixed with green, when first g a th e red ; becoming
deep yellow, crisp, tender, juicy, and high-
flavoured, when fully ripe.
The accompanying drawing was made in Mr.
Kirke’s Nursery, in October last.
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