on a south wall, but th a t exposure is found too hot,
the fruit becoming smaller, with many black specks.
There is no doubt th a t it will bear abundantly as a
Wood long-jointed, rather slender, pale brown
on a wall, but darker on a standard ; when young,
very slightly pubescent. B uds prominent.
L e a v e s oblong, very large and shining, with a
luxuriant appearance quite unknown in other P lums.
F lo-VVERS very large, white.
F r u it , from a wall. I f inches long by I f th s of
an inch wide, regularly oval, with a very obscure
suture, except ju s t a t the stalk, where it is rather
deep. S t a lk inserted in a shallow cavity, |t h s
of an inch long, slightly pubescent. Before being
cut, agreeably perfuhied like a Green Gage of the
best quality. S k in dull yellow, broken a little
with green, assuming an orange cast on the sunny
side, with a purplish bloom, and more or less
mottled with crimson dots. F le s h yellow, firm,
very sweet and luscious, separating freely from the
stone. S to n e oval, acute at each end, wrinkled
all over, and nearly even a t the edges.