l ii"
worth cultivating in the same garden as distinct
varieties. The Vineuse de Fromentin of the French
differs only in being somewhat larger, rather longer,
and not so much hollowed at the summit.
A beautiful, melting, delicious variety, ripening
in the beginning of September. One of the finest
Peaches in cultivation.
L eaves crenated, with globose glands.
F lowers large, dark purplish-red.
F ruit large, depressed, hollowed at the summit,
with a moderately deep suture on one side, and a
wide cavity at the base; the side marked by the
suture is shorter than the opposite one. S k in
rather thinly clad with down. C o l o u r rich deep
red n ex t the sun, thickly mottled on a yellow ground
towards the shade. F lesh pale yellow, rayed with
red at the stone, from which it parts freely, melting,
juicy, with a rich vinous flavour. S tone small for
the size of the fruit, ovate, very rugged.
The specimens from which the annexed figure
Avas taken, were obtained from the Garden of the
Horticultural Society, and produced upon a plant
received from th e Royal Garden of the Luxembourg,
near Paris.