E X P L A N A T I O N o? THE T A B L E S .
A vein which comes from the parts behind the heart.
g, The paffagc from the meeting of the cavas into the auricle of the heart.
10, 10, Tlie auricle of tlie heart.
1 1 , The ventricle with its point turned upwards.
12, The trunk of the branchial artery fending off its two firft pairs of
branches to the gills.
T A B L E XXVir.
THIS Table rcprefents in a Salmon the joining of the principal lymphatic
veiTels, aad the terminations of the lymphatic fyftem in the vense cavse.
A , The middle under part of the lower jaw, fomewhat rcfembling our os
B, The fide of the ilrernum.
C , The right pedtoral fin.
D, The gill flap turned back.
E F G H , The four gills.
I, A n opening under the fourth gill.
K, The clavicle turned back.
L , The fcales on the fide of the fiill.
M M, A large lateral lymphatic trunk flit open.
N, A large lymphatic covered by the inner end of the clavicle joining
O, A large lymphatic from the head.
P, A receptacle of the lymph conveyed b y the lymphatics M N O .
A pafl"age from P into another receptacle R.
S, A probe paiTed from R into the right vena cava, in which the whole
fyftem terminates.
A t the termination of the lymphatic veflels M N and O , and at the paf-
Tages are contraded and furrounded with a circular membranous edge, which
has in fome degree the c f f c d of a valve. The termination of the lymphatic f y -
ilem at S is furrounded with a thick membrane, which ftill more accurately
performs the oflicc of a valve.
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