E X P L A N A T I O N oi? THt: T A B L E S ; 89
C D, A paflage or dud by which thcfe two bladders communicate with cach
E F, A large tube, by wliich the pofterior fwimming-bladder communicates
G, The osfophagus or upper part of the ftomach. In feveral fpecies of carp,
tind in tlie perca arenaria, I found the ftruiturc fimilar.
Reprefents a Herring, with the containing, parts of tlie abdomen on the right
fide cut and turned back. The right roe is cut away; the left roe L extends
the whole length of the abdomen.
A , Is the cefophagusi
B, Thcilomach.
C, The duodenum.
D , The appendices caecje.
E F , The pofteribr part of the gut and the anus.
GH, The ends of the fwimming-bladder.
I, The poilerior part of the ftomach, of the iliape of a funnel, and terminating
in a dud K ; by which the ftomach and the fwimming-bladder communicate
with each other. This funnel and dud are placed between the roes in the
female, and between the milts in the male.
F I G . 4.
Reprefents the red, vafcular, foliated fubitance placed on the inner fide of
the air-bag of a Cod;
F I G .
¡ . H
: 1 l l
i s i
Reprefents a fmall portion of the above-mentioned red, vafcular, foliated fubftanoc,
viewed with a magnifying glafs.
T A L E XV*.
i iidi , Mp
THIS Table reprefents the heart, ftomach, air-bag and air-dud, of the Con-»
ger or Sea Eel.
A , The pericardium opened.
B B, The auricle of the heart.
C, The ventricle of the heart.
D, The branchial artery.
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