M, The appendix vermiformis or caecum.
N, The anus.
O, The yolk of the ovum.
P, The du£l by which the yolk pafTes into the alimentary canal under the
pylorus, and near the beginning of the inteftinal tube or fmall inteitine.
T A B L E Xr V * .
THIS Table j-eprefents the yolk and young foetus of a very large Skate.
A , The mouth of the foetus.
B, Its left eye.
C, The fleiliy fide of the foetus.
D, The tail of the foetus.
E, Numerous veflcls, which were full of red blood, and floated loofe in the
glaire or albumen of the egg. Thefe veflels fupply the place of tlie gills, and
fcem to be afterwards covered and converted into the gills.
F, The dud which conneds the yolk to the fmall gut of the foetus.
G H I, Numerous veffels conveying red blood, elegantly difperfed in the
yolk ; their trunks running along the dud F, and connecting tlie veflels of the
foetus with tliofe of the yolk.
T A B L E . XV.
THIS Table reprefents, in the Salmon, the Carp, and the Herring, a dud,
by which the fwimming-bladdcr communicates with the cefophagus or flomach:
and in the Cod a red foliated organ, placed on the inner fide of the fwimmingbladdcr.
F i g . I. From the Salmon.
A , The upper part of the right roe.
B, The cefophagus cut open.
C, The anterior or upper end of the fwimming-bladder cut open.
D, A probe pafled from the fwimming-bladder into the cefophagus, through
a large dud E, by which they communicate.
F i g . 2. From a Carp.
A , The fupcrlor or anterior fwimming-bladder.
B, Part of the poilerior fwimming-bladder.
C D ,
TAB, X I V . 5?