A A A , A tough and firm, jointed plate» perforated in its middle, and ferratcd
at its edges like the wheel of a watch.
BB, The hole in it, into which, in Fig. 7. a briitle is introduced.
C C, Circular mufcular fibres which compofe the abforbent veiTel.
F i g . 9.
Shows the appearance thefe abforbent veiTels make when they fix themfelves
to the inner fide of a glafs veiTel.
A , The glafs veiTel Tuppofed to contain the animal.
B, Some of the thorns.
C D, The abforbent vefTels bended in various diredlions, with the perforated
plate at the beginning of thefe veflels applied flat to the glafs.
F I G. 10.
One of the fame velTels viewed with a magnifying glafs.
A , The glafs veiTel.
B, The fide of the abforbent veiTel.
C , The plate at the beginning of it, with the hole appearing in its centre.
F r G. II. and 12.
Show, with the fame magnifying glafs, the abforbent veflels as they appear
when the animal elongates them in water. On their upper and under fides two
fmall fafciculi of longitudinal mufcular fibres are feen, which were overlooked
b y the painter in the former figures. The circular fibres are feen within and
between thefe fafciculi.
The fielhy part of the abforbent contracts to a fmaller diameter than that of
the plate at its beginning.
The plate is pufhed out into a conical form ; and the hole in its centre is
fcarcely diilinguiihable.
The abforbent tubes, acting in the manner reprefented, become above an inch
and a half long ; or, with the magnifying glafs employed, appear to be above
feven inches long. Hence the end of them alone is reprefented.
F I c. 13.
Reprefents the inner fide of the fockets of the teeth and jaw, and part of the
inner fide of the fhell, with the continuation of the abforbent velTels ; the plexus
they form on doubled membranes within the Ihell ; and their whole courfe and
termination in the fockets of the teeth.
A ,
A A, A circular plate from which mufcles are fent to B B, the roots and
fockets of the teetli.
C, A fe£tion of the cefophagus.
D E, Two rows of leaves or doubled membranes connected to the inner fide
of the ihell. On thefe membranes the abforbent veiTels, after piercing the ftiell,
divide into a plexus of veiTels, which communicate freely with each other; and
which are here delineated of their natural fize when filled with quickfilver.
F, A large ilraight veiTel, wliich receives at a right angle a branch from every
plexus. There are nearly, if not exadly, the fame number of plexus or of fuch
branches as of external abforbent veiTels. The veiTel F, after palTmg through
• a large hole or arch in the circular plate A A, divides into two branches, which
terminate in round facs G G G G G, which are placed over large cavities in the
fockets of the teeth.
F I G. 14. and 15.
Reprefent two of the leaves or doubled membranes with their plexus of veffels
filled with quickfilver, viewed with the magnifying glafs.
A B, Two branches from different external abforbent veiTels, after piercing
the fliell, entering the fame plexus.
C, The veiTels of the. -plexus-cnminjinicating freely with each other.
A B D E F , A veiTel which may be traced in a circle on the outer edge
of the plexus.
F G , The duit conveying the liquor from the plexus to the common dudH,
which was reprefented at F in Fig. 13. and at R S T U V in Tab. XLIII.
Fig. I. and 2.
F I G . 16.
Shows one of the teeth with its focket, which is cavernous, and through it
a briille is paiTed.
F i g . 17.
Shows three of the teeth with their fockets A A, BB, C. On their inner fide
the cefophagus D is reprefented flit open.
A briflle E E is paiTed from one of the round facs G G G G G, reprefented in
Fig. 13. through the cavity of the focket of one of the teeth, and is brought
out between the beginning of the cefophagus and the fide of the tooth.
F i g .