E X P l . A N A T I O N or THE TABLES.
this Table, the abdominal vifccra of a Skate, with the laflcal and lym-
: veflcls injeftcd with wax, and their termination on the right fide, are reitcd.
I, The two noflrils and organs of fmell.
ind 3, The two jaws and teeth.
5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , The five gills on the right fide.
The oDfopbagus.
), J ! , 12, A funnel, with a probe in it, from the bottom of the perieardidividing
into two pipes; which, upon the fide of the cefophagus, open into
lavity of the abdomen.
1, The (tomach.
The pylorus.
The fmall inteftinc.
j. The appendix vcrmiformis or cfficum.
7, The common cloaca and anus.
8,19,20. Three lobes into «hid. the liver is divided.
, 'i he gall-bladder.
2, The placo at which the duilus communis cholcdochus termiDatcs.
, Thefplcen.
, The pancreas.
5, The ovarium.
6, Part of the Fallopian tube or oviduit.
7, A glandular white body through which the oviduft paifes.
8, The uterus containing an ovum.
9, 29, A probe paired from a hole at the fide of the anus Into the abdo-
A kind of valve, which renders the entrance of a probe from without diffi-
Tbut allows it to pafs readily from the cavity of the abdomen outwards.
The kidney.
The fpine.
Laclcals from the upper part of the great gut, the cxcum, and fmail inrine.
Lacceals from the pylorus, and lymphatics from the pancreas.
Ladcals from the lelTer cm-vature and right fide of the ilomach.
A trunk which receives lymphatics from tlie fpleen and fomc laiSeals from
ilomach. ^