T A B . XX
T A B . X X n .
E X P L A N A T I O N or THE T A B L É E . çj
the ladcals from the fmall iiiteftincs and the lymphatics from the pancreas ; at
which place their branches form a very beautiful but very intricate plexus.
G H, Numerous Ia£teals from die pofterior flat flde of the ilomach.
I, Numerous lymphatics from the fpleen.
K, The placc behind the cardia, at which the lacteals from all parts of thé
ilomach and fmall inteftines, and the lymphatics from the pancreas, the fpleen^
and the liver, meet and communicate freely ; and from which large and intricate
plexufes, of nearly equal fize on the right and left fides, are fent upwards
along the cefophagus.
L. Laileals from the cefophagus added to the continuation of the left
M, A bundle of ladeals from the appendix vermiformis and large inteftine,
and lymphatics from the kidney and uterus running upwards along the fpinCj
to join the above-mentioned plexus.
N, Other lymphatics from the top of the ovarium, and from the mufcles of
the back added to the plexus.
O, Numerous fmall lymphatics added from the parts beliind the pericardium.-
P, Large lymphatics from the mufcles and other parts in the fide of the fiili.
Q^, Some nerves left, which refemble thofc of our fubclavian plexus, and
which conceal the termination of the great lymphatic trunk from the upper parts
of the fiili, reprefented in Table XV III. at the letters R S W.
R, The termination, on the left iîde, of the ladeal and lymphatic velTels in
the fubclavian vein or left vena cava. At this place a pair of valves, reprefented
at R, is conftantly found.
S, • The end of the Icit inrerual jugular vein, at which there is always a pair
of valves, exacbly like to thofe at the termination of the lymphatic fyftem.
IF the Reader will now take the trouble of comparing R S of this Table with
X, Table XVIII. or with Table II. numbers 36 and 33, he will find that the
lymphatic abforbent veins, as well as the circulating red veins, terminate in
nearly the fame manner on both fides of the Skate.
THIS Table reprefents the ibuflure of the vafcular and cellular receptacle of*
the chyle, fituated on the large curvature of the ftomach of a Skate.
F I G . I.
A , The upper, and B the under, end of the ftomach of a fmall Skate, moderately
filled with air.
CD, The vafcular and cellular receptacle of the chyle cut open, after it had
been kept inflated till it was dried.
F I G.