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E X P L A N A T I O N or THE T A B L E S , IT^
T A B L E XL I V .
SEVENTEEN figures of tliis Table reprefent the origin, courfe, and termina--
tion of the abforbent Teffels of the Sea Egg or Echinus. The four lafl: figures
reprefent ccrtain moveable organs articulated with the outer fide of the fliell, in
the interliices of the thorns.
F I G. i.
Reprefents a part of the outer fide, And,
F i g . 2.
^ Part of the inner fide of the Ihell pierced with a pair of rows or phalanges of
holes, into which bridles are introduced, which are marked with the fame figures
or letters on both fides of the ihell.
F I G . j.
A , The month of thR-pcKinua with five teeth.
B, The outfide of the fliell, to which the foclcets of the teeth are connefted
by a llrong membrane.
C D , One row or phalanx of open-mouthed abforbent Lubes, which lead to
the holes dehneated in Figures i. and 2.
E F, Some of the thorns, which ferve as feet, dehneated.
F i g . 4.
B, The outer fide of the fliell.
C D , Some of the abforbent veflils dried after fifling them with quickfilver,
F i g . 5.
One of the abforbent veffels in its collapfed flate, viewed through a magnifying
glafs, which enlarges it to five diameters, after flitting open the root of it,
and introducing a couple of brillles into it, and into the holes which lead from
it through the fliell.
F I 0. 6. 7. 8.
The perforated plates on the mouths of the abforbent veflils, viewed with
the fame glafs.
I i A,