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E X P L A N A T i O N OF THE TABL E S . :o i
il, The termination of lymphatics from the under part of the head and gills.
J^g/j, The ends of lymphatic velTels paffing chiefly beliind the heart and cefophagus,
by which the right and left receptacles of the chyle and lymph com-
IN this Table the receptacle of the chyle and lymph in a Haddock is reprefented.
In both F I G U R E S of this Tabic,
A, Reprefents the mouth.
B, The noftrils.
C, The eye.
D, The anus.
E, The pedoral fin.
F, The jugular fin.
G, The lateral mucous duel.
H, The gill flap, .cut at its root and turned up.
I, A red body iimilar to the human amygdala. . '
K, The fternum.
L, A bone refembling the clavicle.
M, A probe fupporting the gills, pafled through a naturd hole.
In FIG. I. O P reprefent the receptacle of the chyle and lymph inflated.
In FIG 2. The membranes O PQ_ of the receptacle of the chyle and lymph
are cut, and the cavity of the receptacle is thereby laid fully open.
On the inner fide of the rcceptacle the following parts appear, covered only
by the thin pellucid membrane of the receptacle, to wit, R R R, mufcles of the
S, A mufcle fimilar to the human fubclavian.
TUV, The bulb of the branchial artery, the pericardium, and the left vena
W, Nerves refembling thofe of our eighth pair, pafling through the rcceptacle
to the gills.
X, A,cut made in the containing parts of the middle of the abdomen a little
above the anus and acrofs a principal lymphatic vefl'el, into which a prObe is
The lymph conveycd by X paflies through an opening, into which a pin Y
is put.
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