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E X P L A N A T I O N or THE TABLES. ¿ i
THIS Tabic reprefents chiefly the mucous du£ls on the fore part of ^
1 , 1 , The nofe.
2,3, The two jaws with the teeth.
4,5,6,7,8, Five openings or fpiracula on the left fide, to wit, one under
each of die gills.
9, The centre from which innumerable mucous duds come out, like rays
from the centre of a circle.
10, II, 12, Bundles of mucous dudls running outwards to different parts of
the furface of the body.
13,14, A large bundle of the mucous duils running inwards, to open on the
furface of the ikin of the breaft. At 14 many of their openings appear with
briftles introduced into them.
A B C C C C D E F G H I K L , Large and piaurefque canals, which naturally
contain mucus, injeded witli wax; and which are fo diilindly feen, that it is
needlefs to be very particular in the defcription of them. A, is a blind end.
C C C , are a few fliort branches, which by open mouths pour out mucus on the
farface of the fkin. From H a large branch is fent to the back part of the
fnout. From K the mucous dud makes a turn to the upper and back part of
the fiili.
T A B L E v i r .
THIS Table reprefents the mucous duds on the baek part of a SkatCj and its
meatus auditorii externi.
FIG. I. AB, Two round holes, wliich make the beginning of the paflage
into the ear. Behind thefe the head is joined to the fpine.
FIG. 2. Reprefents m a fkate the pailage tlirough the fkih into the concha of
the ear; the concha laid open, and the beginning of the meatus from it to the
internal ear, all feen from the under or anterior fide.
a a, Probes in two holes through the- ikin, leading into the conchs of the
bb, The beginnings of the conchze, of a funnel-like iliape.
c c, The winding of the conchze^
d, A probe pafled from the right concha into the beginning of the meatus
from the concha to the internal ear.
X f. The
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