affifianc chylopoietic vifcera, to wit, the fpleen, liver, and pancreas, attend the
chief blood-veflels of thefe parts (/i).
T h e lacleal velTels and lymphatics of the afliftant chylopoietic vifcera are much
larger m proportion to the blood-veflels than in quadrupeds, birds, or even in
the amphibia: their branches communicate with each other freely and repeatedly
; and, inftead of uniting into one or two trunks, they form a right-and left
plexus (/), which arc continued undiminiihed in fize till they are about-to join
with the lymphatic velTels of the reft of the body. Neither the ladeal nor
the lymphatic velTels are quite cylindrical, but, by being contrafted a little
in many places, feem to be jointed (¿) : So that we iliould exped to find
numerous valves in their courfe, yet thefe are entirely wanting except at the
termination of the whole fyftem.
A cellular reticular fubilance, with which the ladleals freely communicate, is
found at the larger curvature of the ftomach (/), but nowhere elfe in the fyftem.
Purfuing the right and left plexufes formed by the ladeals and lymphatics of
the chylopoietic organs, we are led upwards, along the fides and back part of the
cefophagus, to the fides of the fpine and outer fides of the inferior venie cav^,
and near to large veins covered by ftrong cartilages which refemble our clavicles,
and which therefore may be called Subclavian Veins (m). Towards
thefe places all the lymphatic vclTcls of the body are direded; the lymphatics of
the kidneys and organs of generation, with thofe of the tail and inferior parts,
afcending; thofe of the fleih and fide-fins or wings of the trunk of die body running
inwards, and tliofe of the fuperior parts and of the brain, organs of the
fenfes, heart and gills, defcending («).
T h e branches of the lymphatic veflels form larger angles where they terminate
in their trunks than are found ia the circulating veins and the fmaller
branches are. coiiiie«Slcd by _tt|pfverfe canals (<?).
T h e large lymphatics of the mulWos. organs, near their joining with the
ladeals, are collected together in the moft fimple manner, or without forming
fuch intricate plexufes as we have feen in the courfe and near to the termination
of the lacteal veflels (p); particularly the lymph from the head and thorax is conveyed
chiefly by a fingle trunk
At lait a fingle vcflcl on each fide of the animal, and in which there is no
dilatation or large receptacle of the chyle or lymph, receives all the chyle and
lymph, and terminates in the fubclavian vein, very near its joining with the
internal jugular vein, or in the angle nearly which thefe two veflels form by
their joining (r). The blood is prevented from getting into thefe two veflels
b y a pair of valves placed at the termination of each (j).
(i) See Tab. I I I.^&c, to j. Tab.XVIII. andXIX. A B C . &c, to Z.
(i) Compare Tab. X V I I I . »¡tli Tab.XIX. I K L, &c. «) See Tab. XVI I I . ind X IX. D E F G M I K L.
(/) SceTab. XlX.CD.andTab. XX. fig. 1.2. («) Compare Tab. X V I I I . X . and Tab. X t X . R. with Tbb. 11.18.1034.
See Tab. X V I I I . K L , &c. to X. aodTab.XIX. K L to S. («) Tab. XVI I f . % i.
(/>) SceTah. XVi l l , L. &c. to W. v (,) Tab.XVIH. R S T U V W.
(r) See Tab. X V I I I . X. Tab, X I X . R. and Tsb. II. jC. (.) Tab. U. 3C. and Tab. X V I I I . X. and X I X . Rr
A B S O R B E N T V E S S E L S IN F I S H E S . 31
No glands, like to our conglobate glands, are found in any part of the lyrnphatic
fyftem of fifties.
T . li.
I ftiall next give a defcription of the lyrfiphatic fyftem of the pifces of
na:us, taken chiefly from the gadus and falmo, but compared in fome particular
points with other kinds of fifties.
T h e chief branches of die la£teal vefl'els of the great and fmall inteftines, and
which are fmaller in proportion to the blood-veflels than in the nantes pinnati,
ran upwards in the mefentery, almoft parrallel to each other, and near the mefcnteric
arteries (/). In their whole courfe they communicate by a vaft number
of fmnll tranfverfe canals (u). At the top of the abdomen near the gall-bladderj
the lacteals of the ftomach and lymphadcs of the fpleen, liver and inteftinula
cxca are added (."<:). The chyle, mixed with the lymph of the afliftant chylopoietic
vifcera, pafi^es, upwards and towards the right fide, into a large receptacle
contiguous to the gall-bladder, and between it and the right fide and back
part of the lower end of the cefophagus From the receptacle of the chyle
large canals pafs upwards to right and left, receiving in this courfe the lymph
f r om the organs of urine and generation. Thofe on the left fide are chiefly
beliind the cefophagus (z).
T h e chyle, mixed with the abdominal lymph, having afcended above the
bones which refemble our clavicles, is poured into large cellular receptacles,
fituated chiefly between die clavicles and the undermoft of the gills ; and which
alfo receive the lymph from all the other parts of the body (a).
Four lymphatic veflels, which terminate in thefe receptacles, and which have
their extremities contraded by a doubling of their internal membranes, chiefly
merit attention. The fiift conveys the ij-.pii trom the middle of the belly,
from the ventral and peitoral fins, and from the heart (¿). The fécond runs
up the fide of the fifti parallel to the great mucous dud, and brings the lymph
f r om the principal niufcles of the tail and body (c). The third is deep feated,
and conveys the lymph from the fpine, fpinal marrow, and upper part of the
head {d). The fourth lymphadc veflel, or rather plexus of veflels, brings the
lymph from the brain and organs of the fenfes, and from the nioudi, jaws, and
gills (.).
Thefe receptacles may therefore be called the common receptacles of the
chylc and lymph. The right receptacle communicates freely widi the left by
large canals, which pafs chiefly behind the heart and cefophagus ( /).
(/} See Tab. X X I I . fig. i. .6, 17. >S. 19.10. {») Tab, X X I I . fig, i.
(v) SecTah, XXtl.fig. I. 2..Ï2.J3.24.ÎÎ, Q) Tab.XXII, fig. 1.26.Tab. X X I V WW. and Tab. X X I X . L.
U) vSceTab. X X I I . and X X I X . („) Tab, X X I I , fig.27. &c. Tab. X X IV, X X. Y Y . Z. Tab. X XV. Fig. I. and
(i) See Tnb, XXV, fig. i, X. and Tab. X X IV. Y Y, Z. and Tab. X X V I I , N,
(0 SeeTabXXlV.flfl,!, and Tab, 25. fig. 2. S. and Tab. X X V I I . M, (J) Tab.XXIV.f,
(r) See Tab. X X I V . dif, and Tab. X X V I I , O, (/) Tab. X X I V , ; i,