• T A B . >
K , Is .placed over the feptum wliich feparates from each other two cavities,
which may be compared to our conchce auris.
L , A briftlc paired from the concha auris into the continuation of the meatus
auditorius externus, and from it into M, a iac which contains a foft body
compofed of cretaceous matter.
N O P , Three femicircular canals, which communicate with each other and
with the fac M.
A tendinous fubilance, which happened to be laid in view in dilTeiiling
the ear.
T A B L E X X X I X .
IN this Tabic the optic nen'cs and parts of the ear of a Cod are reprefented.
In fig. I. and 4. fimilar parts are pointed out'by the fame letters; fo that one
explanation may ferve for both.
A A , The fore or under part or bodies of the vertebras.
B, The fore part of the cranium.
C C D , Tubercles of the brain.
Ej The root of the optic nerves where they are conjoined.
E, The right optic nerve paffing over the left one G.
H H, The two eye-balls.
I, The left fac which contains the principal ftorte of tKe ear, witli a large
nerve elegantly ramified upon it.
K , The point at which three femicircular canals of the ear meet, and communicate
with each other.
L , The joining of the fuperior or anterior femicircular canal M with N the
middle horizontal femicircular canal.
O , The inferior or poflcrior femicircular canal.
P, The joining of the horizontal canal witli tlie pofterior.
Q_, The trunk, of the auditory nerve.
R , A branch from it to the capfule of the large ilone.
S, Another branch from it, which fends branches to join R and other
branches to the femicircular canals.
T , Small nerves from the fame nerve Q^are difperfcd, with minute bloodvcffcls,
upon membranes and a vifcid matter which fills the fpace between nhc
femicircular canals. Some of the nervous threads are fixed to minute fpheroidal
bodies difperfcd m this viicid matter, and which refemble bodies found on the
oiitfide of the brain, and alfo adhering to moit of the nerves.
V , A fmall bag which contains vifcid matter and receives a nerve, which
feems to make a part of the organ of hearing.