¡ i
.ills, i'
. d r . - t j K TABf.JL^, ij22
0 , A duci from the ink-bag nms between the liver and redum, in which it
terminates near the anus, where, at K, a probe is introduced.
P, The back part of a thin coated large fac, which feems to be the urinary
The two branchize, gills or lungs,
R, The anterior vena cava, wliich receives blood from the head and arms at
S, and from the liver at T. Veins Ukewife join it from the ilomach and intcftines
U U, and upper back parts of the mufcular Iheath V V.
WW, The anterior vena cava dividing into two equal branches.
X X, Two pofterior vena cavze.
YY, Two auricles, one on each fide,
Z Z, Two ventricles correfponding with the auricles.
a a, a a. Two branchial or pulmonary arteries.
F i g . 2.
R, WW, XX, Y, ZZ, a, Reprefent the fame parts as in Fig. i. On the
left fide, the ventricle L and the branchial artery a are ilit open.
Reprefents the opening from the auricle Y into the ventricle Z.
e, A valve at tliat opening.
d. Three femilunar valves at the beginning of the branchial artery.
F I c . I.
ee,ee, Two branchial veins.
g , A third ventricle, ia which the branchial veins terminate.
hf The anterior or afcending aorta.
1, The pofterior or defcending aorta, which is much fmaller than the anterior.
F i g . 2.
In this Figure the third ventricle and the aortse are flit open.
kk, A pair of valves, where each of the branchial veins terminates in this
h i, The aortx flit open.
/ / , Valves at the beginning of both aortse.
F i g . 1.
m. The anterior aorta runs up to the mufcks of the back bone, the arms,
head, &c.
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