! ' -
il 11
33, Seems to be the termiaation of the lacleal and lymphatic vefTcls, or the
opening by which tlie chyle, after being blended with the lymph, paiTes into
' the vena cava on tliis fide; but as foine part of thefe large reccptacles is generally
torn in catching this fifli, I found it very difficult to trace with certainty
tiicir terminations in the red veins.
34, 34, Reprefent the two venae cava:. From the receptacle of the chyle
there are large pafTages upwards to the left fide, which lead to the lymphatic receptacle
on the left fide.
35, Reprefents the veuie cava hepatic^,
36, The meeting of the two vcn2e cavse, and the opening from them into the
auricle of tlie heart.
37, The auricle of the heart.
38, The ventricle of the heart.
39, A bulb at the beginning of the branchial artery,
40, The branchial artery continued from that bulb.
F i g . 2.
p :
This Figure reprefents a magnified portion of the fmall gut, mefentery, and
lacteals of the Cod, injeded with wax.
A A, A portion of the fmall intcftine.
B B , A portion of the mefentery.
C C , Ladeal vcffels injec1:ed.
, I, Small branches of ladleals anaftomofmg in the gut like blood-veiTels.
2, Arches which the anaftomofes of the larger vefTels form.
3, Some fmall parallel laileah are joined by crofs branches.
4, Other fmall parallel lafteals want fuch crofs joinings.
6 , 7 , g, 9, In general, die large neighbouring laclcals arc joined, in a very regular
and fingular mamier, by tranfverfe fliort fmall branchés entering them at
right angles.
10., 1 1 , 12, 13,14, There are likewife large branches, by which the. large neighbouring
lafleals communicate with each other.
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