G e n . C h a r . FV-o» / / cylindrical or flat, filiform, solid, rose-red; central cellules
large, empty; those of the surface minute. Hamuli composed
of jointed, dichotomous, verticillate fllaments. Fnictification ; groups
of spores [favellidia) contained in swoUen ramuli. N a c o a r ia [Fndl.)
—in honour of F. L . Nacoari, an Italian botanist, and author of
‘ Algologia Adriatica ’, and other works.
N a o o a r ia WldggUi; frond cylindrical; branches irregular, subalternate,
attenuated; ramuh spindle-shaped, quadrifarious.
N a c c a r i a W ig gM i, Endl. Gen. FI. no. 6 8 . Endl. 3rd Suppl. p . 3 7 . H a n .
Man. p . 5 0 . / . Jg . Alg. Medit. p . 8 6 . Kütz. Fhyc. Gen. p . 8 9 1 .
ClliETOSPORA W ig g h ii, Ag. Syst. p . 1 4 6 . Grev. Alg. Brit. p . 1 5 3 . 1 . 1 6 . Hoolc.
A r . J7 . v o l i i . p . 3 0 6 . Harv. in Mack. M. Hili. part 3. p . 1ST.
~Pvcvsy^iggh.ii, Turn, m Lin. Trans, vol. v i. p. 1 3 5 . t. 1 0 . Sgn. Fuc. \o\. u.
p . 3 6 3 . Hist. Fuc. i. lO^. Sm. F .B o t.
C l a d o s t e p h u s W ig g h ii, Sgreng. Sgstc Veg. vol. iv. p . 3 4 7 .
H ab. On marine rocks, at and beyond the extreme limit of the tides.
Annual. Summer. Very rare. Ywmowili, Mr. L illy Wigg. South
coast of England, in several places; not unfrequent, Mr. L o n e r,
Mrs. Griffiths, kc. Bantry Bay, Miss HutcUns. Kilkee and Wicklow,
W. H . II. Belfast Bay, Mr. W. Thompson. Jersey, Miss White,
Miss Turner.
G e o g r . D is t r . Atlantic shores of Emope from England to Spain. Mediterranean
sea, at Nice, Bisso.
De s c r . Boot discoid. Eronds 6-12 inches high, cylindrical, filiform, much
branched Main stem from half a line to a line m diameter below, gradually
attenuated upwards, undivided, or variously cleft, or subdichotomous, beset
witb very numerous, quadrifai'ious, lateral branches. Branches^ alternate, or
issnino- irregularly, very various in length, simple, or slightly divided, bearmg
a second or tlmd set of similar but shorter and more slender branclilets ;
which, including all the younger parts of the frond, are beset on all sides
with minute, slender ramuli, tapering to each end, and 1 -2 lines in length.
The stem and branches are soHd, composed internaUy of very large, hyaline,
polyo-onal, ceUs, surrounded by others of smaU size, and a periphery composed
of minute cellules. The large interior ceUs, seen thi-ough the coat of
the frond give the sm-face, under a low power of the microscope, a reticulated
appearance. The ramuli consist of whorls of horizontal, radiating,
diohotomous, jointed filaments, closely packed together, and issmng from a
slender, cellular axis. When in fructification, the ramifii become wider m
the middle, taking a spindle shape, aud spores of an oblong, pyriform shape,
are formed at the bases of the whorled filaments. The colour is a brilliant,
rose-red, the substance gelatinoso-membranaceous, aud the plant adheres to
paper in drying.
This chaTmiiig plant, as rare as it is beautiful, was discovered