/Uiu-S FLootcXnU
0 i Wf P l a t e XXXII.
Gen. Char. Frond fiat, membranaceous, or subcoriaoeous, ribless, veinless,
cellular; central cells of small size; those of th e surface minute.
Fructification of two kinds, on distinct in dividuals; 1, convex tubercles
(coccidia) having a tliiok, cellular pericarp, and containing a
mass of minute spores on a central p lacenta; 2, tetraspores imbedded
in the cells of- th e surface, scattered, or forming cloudy patches.
R hodymenia* (Orev.)—from po8eor, red, and V ’J", a membrane.
R hodymbnia bifida ; frond tliin and transparent, rose-red, dichotomously
divided from the base ; segments linear, or cuneate ; apices obtuse ;
tubercles mostly marginal, sessile ; tetraspores transversely zoned.
K i io d o m e n ia bifida, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 85. Hook. Br. M. vol.ii. p. 289.
Wyatt. Alg. Banm. no. 33. Harv. in, Mack. El. H ib .-ÿaxi 3. ^ .1 ^ 4 . Harv.
Man. p. 60. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 51.
D e l e s s e r ia bifida, Lamour. Ess. p . 3 7 .
S phæ e o o o c c u s bifidus, Ag. Sp. Alg. v o l.i . p . 2 9 9 . Syst. p . 2 3 1 . Kiitz. Fhyc.
Gen. p . 4 1 0 .
Fucu s bifidus, Goodw. et Woodw. Lin. Trans, vol. iii. p. 159. 1 .17. f. 1. Sm.
E. Bot. 1.113. Turn. S y n .-ÿ.\33: Turn. Hist. i .l3 4 .
Yar. ft ciliata; frond somewhat tliicker than usual, opake, brownish red,
narrow, much divided; the margins fringed with leafy cilia.
Fucus bifidus, ciliatus, Turn. Syn. p. 165. Hist. I. c.
Var. y, incrassata ; frond thicker than usual, shrinking and changing to
brownish red in drying, broad; segments cuneate, proliferous or
cfliate at the margin.
Hab. On rocks in the sea, beyond the influence of the tide, and on Algæ.
Annual. Summer. Frequent on the southern shores of England;
and along the west, and south, and eastern coasts of Ireland. Yarmouth,
Mr. Wigg. Tynemouth, Mr. Winch. Belfast Bay, Mr. Templeton.
Jersey, Miss White. Ardrossan, Saltcoats, and Kilbride,
Rev. L . Landshorough. Var. y, Belfast Bay, Mr. W. Thompson.
Carrickfergus, Mr. Me ’ Calla.
G e o g r . D is t b . Atlantic shores of Europe. Mediterranean sea.
D e s c r . Boot d isco id , a c com p an ied b y fibre s. Eronds 1 - 2 o r 4 in ch es h ig h ,
g row in g in globose tu f ts , v ein less, th in , d e lic a te ly m em b ran a c eo u s, d ich o tom
o u s iv ith m o re o r le ss re g u la rity , u su a lly m u c h d iv id e d ; s egm en ts
* Spelled Bhodomenia by Dr. GreviUe; altered to Bliody
as being more in conformity witb tbe Greek.
by M. Montagne,
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