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P l a t e C X I I .
Gen . C h a r . Frond compressed or flat, pinky red, gelatinoso-membranaceous,
consisting of a delicate membrane, whose walls are separated by a very
lax net-w'ork of jointed fibres; cells of th e membrane minute, coloured.
Fructification, spherical masses of spores (favellidia) immersed in the
frond, attached to th e inner surface of the membranous periphery.
H a l y m e n ia [Ag.),—^from ¿Av, th e sea, and iggv, a i
H a l y m e n ia ligulata; frond compressed or flat, irregularly dichotoinous or
palmate, the segments attenuated, often proliferous at the margin.
H a l ym en ia lig u la ta , Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. i. p. 310. Ag. Syst. p . 344. Spreng.
Syst. Veg. vol. iv . p . 333. Grev. Alg. Brit. p . 163. 1 .17. Hoolc. Br. FI.
v o l. ii. p . 308. Harv. in Mack. M. Hib. p a r t 3. p . 188. Harv. Man. p. 53.
Wyatt. Alg. Banm. n o . 435. Fndl. 3rd Suppl. p . 40.
H a l y m e n i a e lo n g a ta , Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. i. p . 309. Ag. Syst. p . 243. J. Ag.
Medit. p. 98.
H a l a r a c h n io n ligulatum, Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 394. t. 74 . f. 1.
U lva ligulata, Woodw. in Linn. Trans, vol, iii, p . 54. F. Bot. t. 420.
U lva rubra, Huds. M. Ang. p, 571. E. Bot. 1 .1627.
M e so g lo ia Hudsoni, Ag. Syst. p . 50 [not o f British authors).
H a b . On rocks and stones near low-water mark, r a r e ; more usuaUy dredged
in 6 -1 0 fathoms water. . Annual. Summer. Frequent on the
southern shores of England, in many places. Coast of Norfolk, Mr.
L . Wigg, Mr. Turner, &o. Anglesea, liev. H. Bavies. East, south
and western shores of Ireland. Very common in Jersey, Miss White
and Miss Turner. Eare in Scotland; Orkney, Rev. J. H. FoUexfen.
G e o g r . D i s t r . Atlantic shores of Europe. Mediterranean Sea,
D e s c r . Boot small, scutate. Prond extremely variable in ramification, and even in
substance, but resolvable into three principal varieties, a.diclwtoma; frond six
to eight inches long,from half a line to one or two lines broad, compressed, very
gelatinous, many times divided in an irregularly dichotomous manner, the
divisions nearly of equal breadth, becoming gradually narrower toward the
extremities, which are acuminate, f t ramentacea; frond twelve to fourteen
inches long, or more, half an inch in breadth, compressed, gelatinous, divided
into three or four principal branches, from the sides of which issue
very numerous, simple or occasionally forked ramenta constricted at base,
tapering to an acute point, cylindrical or nearly so. Occasionally the
ramenta are very thin, almost setaceous, and proportionably numerous and
subdivided, y. latifolia; frond twelve to twenty inches long, two to four-
inches wide, perfectly fiat, stipitate, wedge-shaped, simple or forked, or
irregularly palmate, of a darker colour, and less gelatinous suhstance than
the two former varieties. Colour varying from a pale to a strong rose-red,
or in the broad variety a deep red. Substance gelatinous and tender, very
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