H a t , LX.
Spr. Melanospeemeæ.
P late L X .
G e n . C h a e . Frond much branched, occasionally leafy at the base ; branches
becoming more slender upwards, and containing strings of simple
air-vessels within their substance. Beceptacles terminal, small, cellular,
pierced by numerous pores, which communicate with immersed spherical
conceptacles, containing parietal spores and tufted antheridia.
Ctstoseiea from kHtd, a bladder, and aupà, a chain; because
the air vessels are generally arranged in strings.
Cystoseiea granulata; stem cylindrical, covered m th elliptical knobs, each
of which bears a slender, repeatedly divided, diohotomo-pinnate, filiform
branch, irregularly set with scattered, awl-shaped, thorn-like
ramuli; air vessels small, two or three together m the upper part oi
the branches ; receptacles elongated.
Cystoseiea gi-auulata, Ag. Sp. A lg. vol. i. p. 55. Syst p. 282. Grev. M . Edik.
p. 285. Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 5. t. 2. Hook. Br. El. vol. u. p. 265. Harv.
in Mack. El. Hib. part 3. p. 167. Wyatt, Alg. Banm. no. 101. Harv. Man.
p. 18. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 36.
F u c u s granulatus, Lm. Sp. FI. p. 1629. El. Ban. t. 591 T i n . E û t. t. 251.
E. Bot. t. 2169. Hook. El. Scot. part 2. p. 94. Lyngb. Hyd. Ban. p. 58.
F u cu s concatenatus. U n . Sp. PI. p. 1629. Huds. El. Ang p. 574.^ Lightf.
El. Scot. vol.ii. p. 923. Clem. Ess. p .3 \6 . Velley, PI. Mar. t. î . l .
F u cu s inucronatus. Turn. Syn. vol. i. p. 78.
F u cu s nodicaulis, With. vol. iv. p. 111.
P h y l l a c a n t i i a Boryana (?), Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 355 (and probably several
otlier species oi Phyllacantha, Kiitz.).
H a b . In rooky basins left by the tide, at and below half-tide level. Perennial.
Summer. Not uncommon on the shores of England and Ireland.
Aberfraw, Mr. Balfs. Eare in Scotland? Jersey, Miss White.
Geoge. Dis t e , Shores of Europe from Norway to Spaiu.
Desce. Foot a depressed, conical disc. Stan cylindi-ical, two to four lines in
diameter, and from two to ten inches in length, more or less densely covered
with quadrifarious, elliptical knobs, each of which produces a branch, seyera
inches to a foot or more in length. Branches filiform, slender, much divided
in a manner between dichotomous and alternately pinnate ; the smaller
branches twice or thrice compound. Air-vessels innate in the brandies,
often below an axil, or two or three together in the alternate branchlets,
elliptic-oblong. Axils obtuse. Ramitli scattered along the receptacles and
branches, small, spine-like, acute. Receptacles lanceolate, unequally tubercled.
Substance leathery, horny when dry. Colour a clear olive-green, in age
becoming brown or foxy.