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P la t e XXXVI.
Gen. Char. Frond cylindrical, gelatiiioso-cartilaginous, elastic, solid;
axis columnar, dense, composed of closely packed, longitudinal, interlaced
filaments; the periphery of elongated, horizontal, diohotomous
fflaments, whose ultimate ramuli are monihform and coloured. Frnc-
tifieation; globular masses of spores [favellidia), attached to the
filaments of the periphery. N e m a l e o n {fIozzeUi)— ixw i vfiga, a
thread, and XgXov, a erop; crop of threads.
N em a l e o n multifidum; frond diohotomous, slightly branched, dffll purple;
the axils rounded.
Ag. in Linnaa, vol. xv. p. N em a l e o n multifidum, J. 453. FnM. 3rd Suppl.
p. 37.
M e so g l o ia multifida, Ag. Syst. p. 50. Berk. Alg. t. 16. f. 1. Harv. in Hook.
Br. FI. vol. ii. p. 385. Mack. FI. Hib. part 3. p. 185. Wyatt. Alg. Banm.
no. 98. Harv. Man. p. 47. Mont. B l Cell. Canar. p. 189.
M e so g l o ia Balani, Carm. MSS.
C h o r d a r ia m u ltifid a , Lyngb. Hyd. Ban. p . 5 1 . FI. Ban. 1 .1 6 6 9 .
C h /ETOp h o r a m u ltifid a . Hook. FI. Scot. p a r t 3. p . 7 6 .
E i v u l a e i a m u ltifid a , Web. et Mohr. Both. Cat. Bot. vol. iii. p . 3 3 5 .
H b lm i n t h o r a m u ltifid a , Katz. Phyc. Gen. p . 3 9 1 . t . 44. f. 3.
Yar. ft simplex; frond simple or nearly so.
N e m a l e o n lu b ric um , Buby. ? et Auct.
H ab. On rooks, Balani, and shells (frequently on . ^
low-M'ater mark, in exposed situations. Common along the western
shores of Scotland and Ireland. Downshire, 3Ir. Templeton. Tor-
quay Mrs. Griffiths. Falmouth, Miss Warren. Balbriggan, Miss
Gower. Var. ft at the Land’s End, Mr. H a lf s.
Geogr. Distr. Atlantic shores of Bm-opo. Mediterranean sea. Canary Islands,
Desor. Boot a fleshy, expanded disc. Fronds dnU pui-plish brown, 3-10 inches
long, 1 -3 lines in diameter, cylindrical, very elastic, firmly gelatinous or
somewhat cartilaginous, generally forked near the base, and repeatedly
forked at long intervals upwards, but varying much in the degree of fui'ca-
tion. Axils all remarkably wide, and rounded ; apices but slightly tapered,
blunt. Axis about one fom’th of the diameter of the frond, very dense,
compared by Agardh to a column, and by Carmichael to a “ medullary
cord ” , composed of closely adherent slender filaments, from which issue
the long, horizontal, dichotomous filaments of the peripheiy, whose lower
ramifications ai-e colouiiess, with subcylindrical joints; theii- upper, and
terminal, coloured and beautifully beaded. Occasional reflexed, root-like
i l