nurT ■
P l a t e XIII.
Gen. Char. Frond blood-red, ribless, expanded, carnoso-membranaceous,
formed internally of three strata; the inner, of interlacing filaments;
the medial, of large, roundish cells; the outer, of minute, verticaUy
disposed ceUules. Fructification two-fold, on distinct plants : 1, spherical
masses of spores [favellidia) semi-immersed in the frond; 2,
triangularly divided, scattered tetraspores. K alvmenia— from KaXor,
beautiful, and vpgv, a membrane.
K alymenia reniformis-, stem short, cylindrical, suddenly expanding into
a ronndish, snbsimple or irregularly cleft, somewhat lobed frond;
favellidia densely scattered over the surface.
K a l y m e n i a reniformis, I. Ag. Alg. Medit. p. 99. Endl. 3rd Supp. p. 40.
{Exel. Sgn. Post, and Rupp.) x> •/ i co
iRiDiEA reniformis, Bory, Viet. Class, vol. ix. p. 16. Grev. Alg. B n t. p. 160.
H a l y m e n i a reniformis, Ag. Sp. vol. i. p. 201. Syst. p. 241. Spr. Syst. Veg.
vol iv. p. 333. Gain. Diet. Sc. Nat. 53. p. 361.
UIIODOMENIA renifonnis, Hook. Br. PI. vol. ii. p. 292. Wyatt, Alg. Damn.
no. 19. Harv. in Mack. PI. Hib. part 3. p. 195. Manual, p. 64.
E u h y m e n i a reniformis, Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 400.
Sabcophyllis lobata ? Kiitz. I. c. p. 401. t. 76. f. 3.
F u cu s reniformis, Turn. Hist. Puc. t. 113. E. Bot. t. 2116.
H ab. In deep shady pools, at extreme low water mark, rare. Often washed
on shore from deeper water. Perennial? Summer and Autumn.
Niton, Miss Everett. Devonshire, Mrs. Griffiths and Miss Hill.
Cornwall, M r . BasMeigh-, Mr. Ralfs. Bantry Bay, Mtss Huichms.
Malbay, W. H . H. Antrim, Mr. Moore. Coast of Down, Miss Davison,
Mr. W. Thompson. Orkney, Rev. Mr. Pollexfen. Kerry, Mr.
Andn-ews. SoiEy Islands and Jersey, Miss White.
G e o g r . D i s t r . Shores of the British Islands. Atlantic shores of France (and
Spain?) Mediterranean S e a ? (Ag.)
D e s c r . Root scutate. Stem i to i inch long, cylindrical or compressed, suddenly
expanding into a roundish, elliptical or reniform frond ol a soit,
tliickish-membranaceous substance, and blood-red colour, simple, or pro-
ducing at the margin secondary fronds resembling the primary one in iom
and substance. These vary in breadth from an inch to 6-8 or even 14
inches, but rarely sport much in form, except when continuing to grow
after they have been torn by the waves. Eavellidia the size of poppy seed,
densely scattered over the frond to which they give a peculiarly gritty feel
semi-immersed, containing several clusters of dark-red, oblong, somewhat
angular seeds, densely packed together. Tetraspores extremely minute,
scattered among the surface ceUules. The structure, as shown at hg. 6,
consists of tlu-ee stra ta ; the inner, composed of branched and anastomosing