/ V r r H L n j I .
Ser. M e la n o s p e rm e -E .
P l a t e LXXII.
A S P E R O C O C C U S C O M P R E S S U S , Griff.
G e n . C h a r . Frond, unbranched, tubular, cylmdncal, ^
continuous, membranaceous. Root naked, scutate. FrucUficaUon
scattered over tbe whole frond, in minute distinct i^son) composed
of roundish, prominent spores, mixed with club-shaped filamcn ..
AsPEROCOOOCS,-corruptly formed from asper, rough, and a
ASPEROCOCCUS compressus; frond compressed, flat, hnear-lanceolate, obtuse;
dots of fructification oblong. rcr n
Alg. Ital. p. 164. t. 4. f. 1. Fndl. 3rd Suppl. p. 26.
Bay Mr. Ralfs. Falmouth, Miss Warren. Jersey, Miss Turner.
GE0GR.D1STR. Southern shores of England. Medberranean Sea. Cherbourg.
Cape Einisterre. Cape of Good Hope, W .H .E .
from a quarter of an inch ^ ™ jnch long, thence
Z f y Z Z n p S
T i r j b i e very large, distended, and hyaline. Fruffioatim is alwjiys
of the tube aie y y g , oblong, very densely scattered, and of
abundantly pro n • ¿-om a pale yellqwisli to a
larger size tban in .4. m ao-e The substance is tender,
:iSsfrAr,Tdt. i s »i.«: •» p-p-
An interesting plant, curiously connecting the geiras Aspero-
coccus and Pmdaria, having a frond nearly intermediate in character
between tbat of these genera, but possessing rather moic
of the structure of the former. It was discovered by Mrs.
Griffiths in the year 1828, at Sidmouth, and should it ever be
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