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G e n . Chau. Frond filiform or rarely fiat, carnoso-cartilaginous, continuous,
cellular; tlie central cells very large, empty or M l of granular matter;
those of. the surface minute, forming densely packed, vertical filaments.
Fructification of two kinds, on distinct individuals; 1, convex
tubercles ( coccidia), having a thick pericarp composed of
radiating filaments, containing a mass of minute spores on a central
placenta; 2, tetraspores, zoned or tripartite, imbedded in the cells of
the surface. Graoilaria {Orev.),—horn gracilis, slender.
Hook. Journ. Bot.
Ag. Syst. p . 2 1 2 .
1 i
G r a c il a r ia multipartita ; frond flat, tender, semi-transparent, brittle, dull
purplish red, deeply cleft in an irregularly dichotomous or palmate
manner; the branches linear-wedge-shaped, apices acute, tubercles
conical, very prominent, scattered over the segments.
G r a c il a r ia multipartita, ■/. Ag. Alg. Medit. p. 151.
G r a c il a r ia polycarpa, J. Ag. I. c. p. 1 5 1 .
P l o c a r ia r a u ltip a rtita , Endl. 3rd Suppl. p . 51.
P lo o a r ia polycarpa, Endl. I. c. p. 51.
C h o n d r u s m u ltip a rtitu s , Grev. Syn. p . Ivi. Harv.
vol. i. p . 1 5 5 .
S phæ ro co co u s multipartitus, Ag. S p.A lg. vol. L p. 247.
S phæ ro co o o ü s p o ly c a rp u s , Grev. Sc. Oryp. El. t. 3 5 2 .
B h o d om e n ia p o ly c a rp a , Grev. Alg. Brit. p . 8 7 . Hook. Br. El. vol. ii.
p. 2 8 9 . Harv. Man. p . 6 1 . Wyatt, Alg. Banm. no. 1 0 8 .
Fuous multipartitus, Clem. Hist. p. 3 1 1 .
F ucus g ra n a tu s , Turn. Hist. t . 3 1 5 {excl. syn. Lamx.).
Fucus ærugiiiosus, Turn. Hist. t. 147.
H a b . On rocks and stones in the sea, in muddy places, chiefly
estuaries; near low-water mark, and at a greater depth. Very rare.
Annual. August and September. Shore under Tait’s Hill, Plymouth,
Miss H ill (1803); Mr. B . Sconce. Plymouth Sound, abundantly,
Bev. W. 8. Hore, Mr. J. W. Boliloff, Br. Cocks. Wliitsand Bay, Br.
Jacob. Dredged in Salcombe Bay, Mrs. Wyatt.
G eo g r . D is t r . Shores of Europe from the south of England to Spain. East
coast of North America, from New York to Florida. California. West
Indies (Miss Bix ). Pernambuco, Areschoug. Bed Sea, Lord Valentia.
Mauritius, Mrs. Telfair.
D e s c r . Root, a thin spreading disk. Erond four to twelve inches long, flat,
cleft nearly to the base in an irregularly dichotomous manner ; sometimes
vaguely divided, or palmate ; sometimes having the lesser segments secuud,
and often margined with horizontal lacinise. The breadth of the frond
varies from half a line to more than half an inch ; the thickness is commonly
nearly the tenth of an inch. When fresldy gathered it is “ thick,
cartilaginous, tender, semitransparent, and very brittle but when dry, it
becomes tough and shrinks considerably. The tubercles are large, conical,
depressed at the apex, very prominent and abundantly dispersed over the
frond. They contain, under a thick pericarp composed of vertical, densely
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