the fields, but some prefer to rear he
nurseries. When the plants begin to grow then is the
time for the cultivator to show his skill, for this kushaba
I no ordinary weeding. With hands or feet, preferably
the former, each plant has to be felt, distinguished
from weeds or false rice, as the spurious vaneties are
called, and packed as close together as posfflbl®. S
times the entire crop is uprooted and ^ p la n ted ,a n d
one man at least must be continually on the watohrid
the plants are sufficiently strong to fight their own
battles, so fast-growing and choiring are: thewee .
one not trained to this species of mud larks from the
earliest days can hope to excel, and none ■ H g g
to escape from lumbago, the sure result of standing fo
hours in icy water and insufficient clothes. Three tune
has this process of weeding and pulling up t e, croP
be gone through, and a man had better not be begu
bv the large returns of a successful nee harvest into
attempting to cultivate it unless possessed of a water-
prooTskin web feet, a double-hinged back, and perfect
sight and touch wherewith to H ^ H | |
variation of leal, the o n l y outward difference m the
young plants between the good and the useless.
Even when swamped with greatest care and s
with skilful fingers, fatal disease often destroysthelabo
of two spring months. I Rai 1 works grea have* and
is as mysterious in its origin as peculiar m itsi cures^ O
these I had an example, for, as I was | g g M
hand, under a solitary chenaar g g
terrace of fields, a native inquired if I were atone.
“ N o ” I replied, not understanding the drift j g his
question, and as one at home might answer, I am
waiting for the policeman,” and added, “ My camp is ]ust