T h e following is a list of some of the plants, shrubs, and
trees th a t I met with in my wanderings. Travelling rapidly,
and usually with as little baggage as possible, I found it difficult
to preserve specimens, and the task of naming them had often to
be left for so long—books of reference not being easily procured
—th a t it was difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to identify
them. If I had realised a t the time how much still remains to
be done in the way of complete collections of the different orders
I should have gone about the task of preserving my specimens
more thoroughly. I give this list, in spite of its incompleteness,
as it may encourage others who have more opportunities and
greater facilities th an I had to go on and do very much better.
The water plants alone require much time and very careful
study. Hooker’s works and vai’ious lists compiled by travellers
to be found in the library in Srinagar, and “ Roxburgh,” have
been my chief aids in compiling the lists
Anemone biflora. Arabis amplexicaulis.
. rupicola. * ' Alpina.
, , Falconeri. Cardamine macrophylla.
,, obtusi lobia. Sisymbrium Thalianum.
,, tetrasepala. Capsella Bursa-pastoris.
Adoris chrysocyanthus. Megacarpaea polyandra.
Aconitum Napellus (.?■).
Clematis montana. - Garyophyllaceae.
Thalictrum minus. Gypsophila cerastioides.
,, foliolosum. Silene inflata.
,, alpinum Lychnis cashmeriana.
Pavonia Emodi. Cerastium trigynum.