influence on, 4 et seq. ; British
influence in, 5, 6 1 et seq., 1 5 2 ;
the peoples of, 16 et seq.;
the Portuguese in, 5 16 et seq. ;
Captain F o r re st’s v isit to the
archipelago, 5 1 8 ; British early
settlements in, 579
Burmese art, 260 et seq.
carving, 12 0
1 cigars, 264
- gold lacquer work, 2 5 3 et
horses, 2 9 1
-r—I race, the, 6, 16 et seq.,
1 5 1 ; physical characteristics,
3 2 ; their laziness, 3 5 ; their
love o f the river, 3 7 , 632 ; their
happy disposition, 3 9 ; the
women, 45 et seq., 2 52 ; marriage
customs, 46 ; dress o f the
women, 4 8 ; the old men and
children, 49 et. seq., 1 0 8 ; religious
characteristics, 12 0 , 1 3 2
et seq.
weaving, 2 5 8
Burnett, 5 2 5
Burney, Colonel, 64
Bush by, 5 5 3
Byingy i, 70 4
C a m p b e l l , S ir A r c h ib a l d , 2 3 8
Cannon, Captain, 2 3 8
Cantor Island, 5 2 5
Capelan, 7 5 6 , 7 6 4 et seq.
Cargo-boat merchants, 18 3
Cateran, 4 2 4
Chaungua, 409
Chess as played by the Burmese,
Chin hills, the, 3 1 , 408
■ race, the, 6, 16 , 2 7 - 3 2 , 424,
425. 452
China, its growing power, 4 ; borders
of, 1 2 ; influences, 15 2 ;
the road to, 188, 2 1 1
Chindwin, the river, n , 3 6 3 ; its
course, 389 et seq.; scenery on
the river, 392 et seq. ; Kan i, 403 ;
Mingin, 407 ; it-s junction with
the Myittha at' Kalewa, 4 10 et
seq.; Nan cy L e e , 4 2 3 ; K ind a t,
425 ; Sittaung and Paungbyin,
4 2 9 ; the Saw-bwa, 4 3 4 ;
Homalin, 4 4 0 ; Kaw ya , 4 4 4 ;
Tamanthe, 448;■ A u k Taung,
Chinese at Bhamo, 19 3 et seq. ■
tradespeople at Prome, 263
Chinthe-Taung, or L io n Hill, 766,
Chittagonians, the, 36, 638, 6 7 3 ,
7 4 1, 746
Chone, Saya, the Burmese artist,
26 2 et seq.
Christianity in Burma, 20
Christmas Islands, 5 2 5
Chundaw, 407
Cigars and cigar-makers at Prome,
Coringhi race, the, 7 4 1 , 746
Cotton, General, 238
Court Island, 525
-ft Index
Criddles, the, 525
D ’A m ato , P è r e G iu s e p p e , 765
Dagôn, 59. See Rangoon.
Dalhousie, L o rd , 226, 3 0 1 , 729
Dalla, 87, 89, 108 , 14 2
Daung, Yoma, 3 59
Daung-sarit, 7 3 3
D e Brito y Nicote, Philip, 58
Delta, the : mosquitoes, Maubin,
459 et seq. ; the L ily o f Maubin,
466 ; cargo boats, 4 7 1 ; re claimed
land, -4764 the pomp
. o f travel, 479
Devil, with the, 562 et seq.
Diving for pearls, 549
for salvage, 5 30 etseq.
Donabyu, 237
Dongyang, 605
E a r t h -o il a t Yenan-Gyaung, 324
el seq.
Elephant, a frightened, 704
Elephant, Cow, and Granary on
the river Irrawaddy, 16 6
Elephant Island, 562
Elphinstone Island , 5 25
F o r r e s t , C a p t a in , 5 18
Frederick, Cæsar, the visit of, 5 1 3
etseq., 739
G am a , V a sco d a , 57 .
Gob i desert, the, 22
Gold-leaf worshippers, 95
Gwe-Gyaung, 309
Gya , 3 2 1
G ya in g river, 584, 594
H-a r po o n in g , 5 54 et seq. "
H eifer’s visit to the arch ipelago ,
Henzada, 238
Hertz, Mr., 220
Hkabine, 764
Hkamti, 26, 452
Hlaing, the river, at Rangoon, 75,
85 etseq., 94, 108 , 22 7, 238
H-kingbwéj 624
Hnaw-Kado, 394
Homalin, 426, 4 3 3 , 439
Hti, the, 96, 12 4 , 5 1 2 , 697
Htwatwa, 449
H u -K aw n g valley, 389
Hukong valley, 1 1
I n d a u g y i L a k e , 16 0
India, the religion o f B urma derived
from, 4
Irrawaddy Flotilla Company, 64,
18 2 , 346
Irrawaddy, the river, 6, 7, 1 2 , 26,
3 8 9 ; L ord Dalhousie on, 226
the Northern, the defiles, 14 7
et seq. ; the Elephan t and Cow,
16 6 ; Bhamo, 18 8 et seq. ; thé
road to China, 2 1 1 et seq.
— the Southern, the lower
courses, 227 et seq. ; Yandoon
to Prome, 236 et seq. ; Prome,
249 et seq. ; to Thayetmyo, 277
et seq. ; tlig^ Mindon road, 285