1779, th o u g h t that the prefent opportunity was not to be neglected,
. Mmc>1, , 0f d r ivin g Toneoneo entirely out o f the ifland, and o f advanc
in g his fon-in-law to the government. I have already had
occafion to mention, that the goats, w h ic h had increafed to
the n u m b e r o f .fix, and would, probably, in a few years,
have flocked a ll thefe iflands, w ere deftroyed in the conteft.
o n the 4th, the mother and fifter o f the y o u n g prince and
his fathe r-in -law, w ith man y other Chiefs o f that party,,
came on board the Refolution, and made feveral curious
and va lu able prefents to Captain Cle rk e. Among ft the
former, w e re f o m e fifh-hooks, w h ich they allured us were
made o f the bones o f our old friend Terreeoboo’s father,
w h o had been killed in an u n fu c ce fs fu l defcent upon the.
ifland o f W o a h o o ; arid a fly flap, prefented to h im b y the
prince’s fifter, the handle o f w h ich w as a human bone, that
had been given her as a trophy b y he r fathe r-in -law. Y o u n g
T ea ve e was not o f the company, b e in g eng ag ed, as w e were
told, in performing fome re ligious ceremonies, in confe-
quence o f the viritory he had obtained, w h ich were to laft
twenty days.
Friday;. T h is , and the two fo llow in g days, w ere employed on
Saturday 6. gg completing the Difcovery’s w a t e r ; and the ca rpenters
w ere b u fy on board, in c a u lk in g the ffiips, and in
m a k in g other preparations fo r ou r next cruife. T he natives
deli lied from g iv in g us any furth er difturbance; and
w e procured from them a p lentifu l fupply o f pork and vegetables.
At this time, an Indian brought a piece o f iron on board
the P ifcov ery- to be falhioned into the ihape o f a pahooa.
It was ca re fu lly examined both b y the officers and men,
and appeared to be the bolt o f fome large ffiip timbers.
3 - T h e y
T h e y were not able to difcover to w hat nation it belonged j ^779j
but from the pale co lo u r* o f the iron, and its not corre- ' .—
fponding in ffiape to our bolts, they concluded that it ce rtain
ly was-not E n g liih . T h is led them to make a ftririt inq
u iry o f the native, w hen and where he got i t ; and i f they
comprehended him right, it had been taken out o f a
piece o f timber, la rge r than the cable bit, to which he
pointed. T his piece o f wood, the y farther underftood
from him to have been driven upon their ifland, fince we
were here in Jan ua ry 1778.
On the 7th, w e were furprized w ith a vifit from Toneo- Sunday 7.
neo. When he heard the dowager princefs was in the fhip,
it was with great difficulty we could prevail on him to conie
on board, not from any apprehenfion that he appeared to
entertain o f his fafety, but from an unwillin gn efs to fee
her. T h e ir me eting was w ith fu lk y and lowe rin g looks
on both fides. He ftaid but a ffiort time, and feemed much
dejerited ; but w e remarked, w ith fome furprize, that the
women, both at his comin g and g o in g away, proftrated
themfelves before h im ; and that he w a s treated b y all the
natives on board w ith the refperit u fu a lly paid to thofe o f his
rank. Indeed, it muft appear fomewhat extraordinary, that
a perfon, w ho was at this time in a ftate o f a ritual hoftility
w ith T ea ve e ’s party, and was-.even prepared for. another
battle, ffiould truft h im fe lf almoft alone with in the power
o f his enemies. It is, therefore, to be obferved, that the
civ il diflentions, w h ich are very frequent throughout all the
South Sea Iflands, feem to be carried on withou t much acrimony
or b lo od ffied ; and that the depofed governor ftili
continues to enjoy the ran k o f an Eree, and is le ft to make
* It was evident, that the iron we found in pofleffion of the natives at Nootka.
Sound, and which was moft'ly made into knives, was of a much paler fprt than ours.