Wednef. 19.
Thurfday 20.
Friday 21.
We found the ftream, on our return, fo exceedingly rapid
that notwithftanding the Coffacks and Kamtfchadales ufed
their utmoft exertions, we did not reach the firft villa ge ,
Monday 17. Opatchin, till the evening o f the 17th, w hich was at the rate
o f about twenty miles a day. We got to Natcheekin on the
19th; and, on the 30th, we croffed the plain to Karatchin-
We found the road much better than when we had paffed it
before, there ha vin g been a fmart froft on the n ight o f
the 19th. On the 31f t , we proceeded down the Awatika
River ; and, before it was dark, got over the ilioals w h ich
lie at the entrance o f the bay. Du rin g the whole courfe o f
our journey, we were much plea fed with the great goodw
ill with w hich the Toions, and their Kamtfchadales, afforded
us their ailiflance, at the different ojirogs through w hich we
paffed ; and I could not but obferve the pleafure that appeared
in their countenances, on fee ing the Major, and their
ffrong expreffions o f farrow, on hearing he was fo foon g o in
g to leave them.
We had difpatched a meffenger to Captain Clerke, from
Bolcheretfk, with an account o f our reception, and o f the
Major’s intention o f returning with us ; at the fame time,
apprizing him o f the day he might probably expedt to fee
us. We were therefore very well pleafed to obferve, as we
approached the harbour, all the boats o f the two ihips comin
g toward us, the men clean, and the officers as well
dreflcd as the fcarcity o f our clothing would permit. T he
Major was much ftruck at the robuft and healthy appearance
o f the boats crews, and ftill more at feeing
moft o f them without any other covering than a ihirt
and trowfers, although at the very moment it actually
As Major Behm had expreffed his intentions o f viftting 079-
the ihips before he landed, as foon as we arrived o ff the <— ---- >
town, I deiired to receive his commands ; when remarking,
that from the account we had given o f the very bad flate o f
Captain Cle rk e ’s health, it migh t be imprudent to difturb
him at fo late an hour (it be in g now pafl nine o’clock), he
thought it, he faid, moft advifisable to remain that night on
fhore. Accordingly, after attending him to the ferjeant’s
houfe, I took my leave, for the prefent, and went on board
to acquaint Captain Clerke w ith m y proceedings at Bolcheretfk.
It was with the utmoft concern I found, that in the
fortnight w e had been abfent, this excellent officer was
m u ch altered for the worfe, inftead o f reaping that advantage
w e flattered ourfelves he m igh t, from the repofe o f the
harbour, and the m ilk and vegetable diet with which he w as
As foon as I had difpatched this buiinefs, I returned to the Saturday 2Z-
Major, and the next morning conducted him to the ih ip s ;
where, on his arrival; he was faluted w ith thirteen gu n s ,
and received with every other m a rk o f diftindtion, that it
was in our power to pay him. He was attended b y the
Commander o f one o f the Ruffian galliots, the mailer o f a
floop that lay in the harbour, two merchants from Bolcheretfk,
and the prieft o f the neighbouring villa ge o f Para-
tounca, for w hom he appeared to entertain the higheft
refpedt, and whom I ffiall hereafter have occafion to mention,
on account o f his great kindnefs to Captain Clerke.
A fte r viftting the Captain, and tak in g a view o f both the
ihips, he returned to dinner on board the Refolution ; and,
in the afternoon, the various curiofities we had colledted in
the courfe o f our voyage, were fhewn him, and a complete