February. but the laft were for the moft part very fmall. In the courfe
«---- ' o f the night, -we had heavy rain ; and on the 14th, at day-
Monday 14. r * ^ , 3 ligh t, we law the Refolution to the North ward, ftanding to-
ward the ifland, and at two in the afternoon, fhe dropt anchor
clofe to us. In the courfe o f the day, we heeled the
ihip, and fcrubbed and hogged her bottom, which was very
foul ; and got ready for fea.
Tuefday 15. T he next day, Captain Gore not having completed his
flock o f water at Cracatoa, fent his men on ihore, who now
found the brook that was firft mentioned, rendered perfectly
fweet by the rain, and flowing in great abundance.
This being too valuable a treafure to be neglefted, I gave
orders, that all the caiks we had filled before fhould be
ftarted, and replenifhed with the fre lh water, which was ac-
Wednef. 26. cordingly done before noon the next day ; and in the
evening, we cleared the decks, and both fhips were ready
fo r fea.
Friday »8. forenoon o f the 18th, we had heavy rains, and v a riable
winds, which prevented our getting under way till
two in the afternoon, when a ligh t wind fprung up from
the Northward; but this foon after leaving us, we were
obliged to drop our anchor again, at eight o’clpck that
night, in fifty fathoms water, and wait till the fame hour
Saturday 19. the next morning. At that time, being favohred by a breeze
from the North Weft, we broke ground, to our inexpreffible
fatisfadlion, for the laft time in the Straits o f Sunda, and
the next day, had intirely loft fight o f Prince’s Ifland.
This ifland having been already defcribed by Captain
Cook, in the hiftory o f a former voyage, I fhall only add
that we were exceedingly ftruck with the great general re-
femblance o f the natives, both in figure, colour, manners,
and even language, to the nations we had been fo much 1780*
converfant with, in the South Seas. The efFefts o f the Ja-
vanefe climate, and I did not efcape without my fu ll fhare
o f it, made me incapable o f purfuing the comparifon fo
minutely as I could have wifhed.
T h e country abounds with wood to fuch a degree, that
notwithftanding the quantity cut down every year by the
fhips which put into the road, there is no appearance o f its
diminution. We were .well fupplied with fmall turtle, and
fowls o f a moderate f iz e ; the laft were fold at the rate o f
ten fo r a Spanifh dollar. The natives alfo brought us
many hog-deer, and a prodigious number o f monkeys,
to our great annoyance, as moft o f our faitors provided
themfelves with one, i f not two o f thefe troublefome
As we fhould have met with fome difficulty in finding the
watering-place, i f Mr. Lannyon had not been with us, it
may be worth while, for the ufe o f future navigators, to de-
fcribe its fituation more particularly/ The peaked hill on
the ifland, bears from it North Weft by North ; a remarkable
tree growin g upon a coral reef, and quite detached
from the neighbouring fhrubs, ftands juft to the Northw
a rd ; and clofe b y it, there is a fmall plot o f reedy grafs,
the only piece o f the kind that can be feen hereabout.
Thefe marks w ill fhew the place where the pool empties
itfelf into the fea ; but the water here is generally
fait, as well as that which is in the pool. The calks muft
therefore be filled about fifty yards higher up ; where, in
dry feafons, the frefh water that comes down from the
hills, is loft among the leaves, and muft be fearched for b y
clearing them away. ■