their power might be wanting to relieve our necfeflities. But as our
availing ourfelves of thefe fervices would greatly depend on the exifting
circumftances at the time of our arrival in that neighbourhood, and particularly
as Blying found was not fo central for carrying into execution
our furvey of prince William’s found as I could have wilhed, I made no
arrangements for benefiting by thefe very kind and friendly offers.
Having accomplifhed by our joint labours the examination of the
fhores of Cook’s inlet from cape Douglas to its utmoft extremity, and
from thence to the eaft Foreland, I fhall conclude this chapter by remarking,
that although circumftances did not permit us to make fuch
aftronomical obfervations on the fpot as I confidered to be neceflary for
determining the longitude of our ftatiori at the head of Cook’s inlet, yet
we were fortunate in obtaining thofe that very fatisfaftorily fhewed the
rates o f our chronometers, from which authority we were enabled to afi-
certain the longitudinal menfuration of our furvey, and to deduce from
fubfequent obfervations what I confidered as its true longitude.
The obfervations for obtaining the latitude, the rates of the chronometers,
and the variation of the compafs, were made on fhore, at the
watering place-near the fhip’s ftation at the head of Cook’s inlet-; (they
were as follow)- ;
Kendall’s chronometer (hewed the longitude according to the Karaka-
kooaratetobe - - ^ . 2o8" i j 'gg"
Arnold’s No. 14, according to the fame rate, - 209 g i 25
Ditto 176,- ditto, - - 2Ö9 50 40
True longitude deduced from fubfequent obfervations as
before dated, - - - - - 216 53 15
By this authority, and twelve lets of altitudes taken between
the 26th of april and 6th of may, both days inclu-
fi ve, Arnold’s No. 176 was found to be fall of mean time
at Greenwich on the 6th of may at noon, - 8h 44' 46" go'"
And to be gaining on mean time per day at the rate o f 52 37
Arnold’s No. 14, fall of mean time at Greenwich, 3 58 18 30
gaining as above, - - 22 9
Kendall’s fall of mean time at Greenwich,
gaining as before,
4* “ 2 2l&2 k3Æ0 *M79ay4.-
2 6 2 2 1----------y------
The latitude, - - -
61° 17'
The variation of the compafs in twenty fets of azimuths
by three different compafles, differing from 27° 27' to 310
18', fhewed their mean refult to be - 29 30 eafterly.
Our flotation at this ftation did not admit of any opportunity for
meafuring the rife and fall, of the tides, but in a very rough way; by
which it appeared, that on fpring tides it amounted to about twenty-feven
feet, and that it was high water fix hours after the moon had paffed the