R O U N D T H E W O R L D .
>794-' who were feated on the ground in the character of muficians. Their
■ Fcb™ar>,l Jnftruments were both alike, and were made of the outlides or (hells of
large gourds, open at the top; the lower ends ground perfectly flat, and
as thin as poffible, without endangering their fplitting. Thefe were
(truck on the ground, covered with a fmali quantity' of dried grab, and
in the interval between each (broke, they beat with their hands and
fingers on the fides of thefe indruraents, to, accompany their vocal exertions,
which, with the various motions of their hands and body, and
the vivacity o f their countenances, plainly demonftrated the intered they
had, not only in excelling in their own parts, but alfo in the applaufe
which the fady acquired by her performance, advancing or retreating
from the muficians a few (hort Heps in various direflions, as the nature
of the fubjéËt, and the numerous gelures and motions of her perfon
demanded. Her fpeech, or poem, was fird began in a (low, and fomewhat
folemn manner, and gradually became energetic, probahly as the fubject
matter became intereding; until at length, like a true aflrefs, the liveli-
nefs of her imagination produced a vociferous oration, accompanied by
violent emotions. Thefe were received with (houts of great applaufe;
and although we were not fufficiently acquainted with the language to
comprehend the fubjed, yet we could not help being pleafed in a
high degree with the performance-. The mufic and finging was by no
means difeordant or unpleafing; many of the actions leemed to be
well adapted, and the attitudes exhibited both tafte and elegance. The
fatisfaftion we derived at this public entertainment, was greatly in-
creafedby the refpedful reception we met from all parties, as well performers
as fpeftators, who appeared to be infinitely more delighted by
our plaudits, than by the liberal donations which we made on the oc-
Thefe amufements had hitherto, been- confined to finch limited
performances; but this afternoon was to be dedicated to one o f a
more fplendid nature, in which feme ladies of confequence, attendants
on the court of Tamaakmaah, were to perform the principal parts.
Great pains had been taken-, and they had gone through many private
rehearfals, in order that-the exhibition this evening might be worthy of
R O U N D t h e w o r l d .
the public attention; on the conclufion of which I purpofed by a difplay
o f fire-works, to make a return for the entertainment they had afforded
About four o’clock, we were informed it was time to attend the royal
dames • their theatre, or rather place of exhibition, was about a mile to
the fouthward of our tents, in a fmali fquare, furrounded by houfes
and (heltered by trees ; a fituation as well chofen for the performance,
as for the accommodation of the fpe&ators ; who, on a moderate computation,
could not be edimated at lefs than four thoufand, of all ranks
and deferiptions of perfons.
A difference in point of drefs had been obferved in the audience at
the former entertainment, but on this occafion every one (hone forth
in the bed apparel that could be procured; thofe who had been fuccefs-
ful in their commercial tranfaftions with us, did not fail to appear in
the bed attire they had procured ; and fuch as were deditute of European
articles, bad-exerted their genius to fubditute the manufafture and
productions of their own country in the mod falhionable and advantageous
manner. Feathered ruffs, or gartering tape in wreaths, adorned
the ladies’ heads, 'and were alfo worn as necklaces; red cloth, printed
linen, or that of their own manufaaure, condituted the lower garment,
which extended from the waid to the knees. The men likewife had
put on their bed maros ; fo that the whole prefented a very gay and
lively fpcftacle.
On our arrival, feme of our friends were pleafed to be a little jocular
with our appearance at fo unfalhionable an hour, haying come much
too early for the reprefentation; but as we were admitted into tht green
room amongd the performers, our time was not unpleafantly engaged.
The drefs of the aftreffes was fomething like that worn by Puckoo,
though made of fuperior materials, and difpofed with more tade and
elegance. A very confiderable quantity of their fined doth Was prepared
for the occafion; of this their lower garment was. formed, which
extended from tlietr waid half way down their legs, and was fo platted
as to appear very much like a hoop petticoat. This feemed the mod
difficult part of their drefs to adjud, for Ttwidokmuuh, who was confidered
Vox. TII. G to