>794- notwithftanding that it was from hence to St. Diego more than four hun-
.November., Englilh miles, Senr- Arguello very obligingly ordered an extraordinary
courier to be ready the next day, whole return from St. Diego
might be expected in ten or twelve days, and before the expiration of
that time, I had nb idea of quitting this ftation. Under the circumftances
of the mortifying disappointment I now felt, I was unable to form any
plan for our future operations, excepting that which I had before meditated,
of remaining here a fufficient time to recruit the health and
ftrength of our little community. For, notwithftanding that we were not
materially affe&ed with indifpofition, yet the health of mod of us demanded
care and attention. The fatiguing fervice in which we had now
been lo long employed, and the very few frelh meals we had been enabled
to obtain fince the middle of the preceding month of march, mull
be fufficient to convince the judgment, without the appearance of aftual
difeafe, that three weeks or a month would be well dedicated in availing
ourfelves of the refreffiments and recreation, in which we had now fo favorable
an opportunity to indulge.
Frelh beef, which was extremely good, was daily and unlimitedly
ferved to the crew of each velfel; but vegetables were a fcarce commodity,
owing to the drynefs of the feafon, which gave the country an appearance
of being parched up ; and the few articles which had been produced
on the fmall portion of land allotted here to the purpofe of garden
ground were nearly exhaufted. We, however, were not apprehen-
ftve of wanting fufficient variety to cover our tables, as in the immediate
neighbourhood of the bay there were an immenfe number of wild
geefe, ducks, plovers, curlews, and other wild fow l; to which, by little
excurfions into the country, our fportfmen added an abundance of very
fine quails and fome hares,' which afforded us excellent repafts in addition
to their amufement. It was fomething Angular that none of thefe
fpecies of wild fowl, had been found in any degree fo numerous on either
of our former vifits to Monterrey.
The weather was fair and pleafant, with a moderate breeze from the
fea, which in the evening brought in the Princiffi. We had conlider-
ed this veffel to have been to the northward of cape Mendocino, whilft
we contended with the north-weft ftorm to the fouth of it, and an idea
had arifen, from the appearance Of the evening that preceded the gale, '-----.----<
that the Prineiffa mull, in that fituation, have experienced much blowing
weather from: the fouth-eaftward; but on inquiry this was not found
to be altogether the cafe; ffie was, however, to the north of the promontory
in queftion : at that time, and her progrefs, like ours, had been
greatly retarded by contrary winds ; but on the iff of november, in the
latitude of 450 30', Ihe having generally kept about 30 leagues from the
c o a ft th e fe adverfe winds were fucceeded by a pleafant gale from the
north-weft, which continued during the remainder of the paffage. ■
This faft, though not proving cape Mendocino to be fo Angularly
fituated as we had fuppofed it to be, with refpefl to moderate or boif-
terous weather, yet ferves to ffiew that it has an influence on the winds
that prevail during the winter feafon, as the fouth-eafterly ftorms are
fcarcely ever known to the Ibuthward of cape IMendocmo ; where, whilft
the north-weft gale reduced us to our ftorm ftayfails for twenty-four
hours, the Prineiffa to the north of it, felt nothing o f its fu ry ; but, on
the contrary, had only a moderate north-weft gale, to which the whole
of her canvas was fpread.
We had the pleafure to meet our friends in the Prineiffa very well,
though much difappointed, like ourfelves, in not receiving any official
communications from Mexico; but as the courier was in readinefs to depart
the next morning, Senr* Alava embraced this opportunity to make
the neeeffary inquiries at St. Diego.
In the night the wind blew ftrong from the northward; and on the return
of day it confiderably increafed from the north-weft. Notwithftanding
the yeffels rode without the leaft inconvenience or apparent danger,
yet, as our cables had been a long time on board, and had endured great
trials, the topgallant mails were got down, the yards and top-mafts {truck,
and the yeffels. made perfeftly fnug j , by noon, however, the wind moderated,
and we had a return of fair and pleafant weather; all hands were
now employed in different fervices, amongft which, recruiting our ftock
of fuel and water, was no inconfiderable labour;, no difficulty was experienced
in procuring the former, but the drynefs of the feafon had
V ol. III. U u rendered