179,1. the above obfervations, as the difference of the rate between two of the
, chronometers was only one fourth, and that of the other, viz, Arnold’s
No. 176, rather more than half a fecond, which is accounted for by the
very unequal rate in general of that chronometer.
The latitude, longitude, variation, and inclination of the magnetic
needle, were found to be the fame as on our firft vifit to this place in
the year 1792.
Departfrom Nootka found— Violent Jtormr—Arrive at Monterrey— Receive
on board the Deferters from the Chatham and Daedalus— Excurjion into
the country— Examine a very remarkable mountain—Agronomical and
nautical obfervations.
■ ' . . m i- A L IG H T breeze from'the land favored our progrefs out o f Nootka , oa°ber- )
found, and by day-light on friday we were about 3 leagues from the land, Friday 17.
when the wind fuddenly died away, and was fucceeded by a calm with
thick hazy weather continuing the whole1 of the day, and giving the vef-
fels an appearance of being ftationary; the depth of water continued to
be the fame from noon until midnight, 75 fathoms, muddy bottom. At
this time the haze was fucceeded by a very thick fog, without the leaft
air of wind; and although by the depth increafing we imagined that we
were proceeding from.the coal!, yet our motion, was fo flow, that by fix.
in thé evening of faturday, .we were Hill in foundings at the depth of 100 Saturday 18.
fathoms, muddy bottom, and by the. lead when on the ground, the velfel
feemed to lie as if at anchor. This obfcurity in the atmofphere had prevented
bur feeing the Chatham fince the preceding evening, but the
ferenity of the weather, and. the apparent ftationary fituation of the:
DifcoVery, made me conclude that Ihe could not be far off. Our
powder being much exhaufted, the. fog: fignal had not been made; but
in order to afcertain the faff, a gun was now fired, and to- our great
aftonifhment it was not anfwered. The fog and calm Hill continued, and
the depth of water gradually increafed, at eight o’clock we had 105 fathoms,
with fandy bottom.. The fog now difperfed, and the calm. was.