departure, from Monterrey the evil teemed to have much increafed ; and
confidering that our operations- to the touch ward might acquire fome i— y —'
advancement from our preceding her, I informed: Mr. Puget, that I Should
make the belt of my way with the Difcovery towards the iflandof Juan
Fernandezand in the event of his not arriving there before our departure,
he was provided with further inftru&ions, which, with fuch as I
might leave for him at that flation, would be fufficient for his future
government. After having made thefe neceffary arrangements, we made
all fait in the Difcovery with a pleafant fteady gale from the s. s.. E.
Many oceanic birds and numbers of fifties ftill attended us, and we were
now and then- fortunate in taking feme of the latter. By the evening
the Chatham was a conliderahle diflance altera, and by the next forenoon Monday 16.
iirtirely out of fight from the maft-head; fo that the diflance we had
gained of her in twenty-four hour? could not be much fhort o f g
Our progrefs now was not only1 very expeditious, but very pleafant;
the wind blew a fteady gale between B. s. E. a-nd s. s. e . ; the fea abounded
with a great variety of fifties, and was remarkably fmooth; the weather,
alternately clear and cloudy, with fome flight fhowers o f rain, was
very temperate and agreeable, the thermometer handing between 75 and
77. On faturday in fouth latitude 1 20 4g', longitude by
Arnold’s No. 14, - ' - - 255° 3-j
176',. - ' - - , : - 255 o
Kendall’s, . . . . 254 54
And by the dead reckoning, continued from the ifland of Cocos, 260 32
In this fituation the vertical inclination of the magnetic needle was,
Marked End, North Face Eaft, - 23“ 5'
Ditto Ditto Weft, - 23 50
Ditto South Face Eaft, - 23 58
Ditto Ditto Weft, - 23 18
Mean inclination of the fouth point, 23 23
The variation of the corapafs, - - 4 55 eaftwardly.
As we advanced the wind decieafed in its force, and gradually inclined
to the eaftward and northward o f eaft, with nearly the fame pleafant
1 weather.