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1794' For thefe fubftantial reafons, whenever he was difpofed to liften to fuch
I_difcourfe, I did not ceafe to urge the importance and neceffity of his adopting
meafures fo highly effential to his happinefs as aman, and to his power,
intereft, and authority as the fupreme chief of the ifland. All this he
candidly acknowledged ; but his pride threw impediments in the way of a
reconciliation which were hard to be removed. He would not of himfelf
become the immediate agent ; and although he confidered it important
that the négociation fhould be conduced by fome one of the principal
chiefs in his fulleft confidence, yet, to folicit their good offices after
having rejefted their former overtures with difdain, was equally hard to
reconcile to his feelings. I flood nearly in the fame fituation with his
favorite friends ; but being thoroughly convinced of the fincerity of
his wifhes, I fpared him the mortification of foliciting the offices he
had rejefted, by again proffering my fervices. T o this he inflantly contented,
and obferved that no propofal could have met his mind fo
completely ; fince, by effecting a reconciliation through my friendfhip,
no umbrage could be taken at his having declined the feveral offers
of his countrymen, by any of the individuals ; whereas, had this objeft
been aceompliffied by any one of the chiefs, it would probably have
occafioned jealoufy and difcontent in the minds of the others.
All, however, was not yet complete ; the apprehenfion that fome
conceffion might be fuggefted, or expefled on his part, preponderated
againfl every other confideration ; and he would on no account con-
fent, that it fhould appear that he had been privy to the bufinefs, or
that it had been by his defire that a négociation had been undertaken
for this happy purpofe, but that the whole fhould have the appearance
of being purely the refult of accident.
T o this end it was determined, that I fhould invite the queen, with
feveral o f her relations and friends, on board the Difcovery, for the purpofe
o f prefenting them with fome trivial matters, as tokens of my friendfhip
and regard ; and that, whilfl thus employed, our converfation fhould
be direéled to afcertain, whether an accommodation was flill an objeft
defired. That on this appearing to be the general wifh, Tanuiakmaah
l would
would inflantly repair on board in a hafly manner, as if he had fome-
thing extraordinary to communicate; that I fhould appear to rejoice at
this accidental meeting, and by inflantly uniting their hands, bring the
reconciliation to pafs without the leaft difcuffion or explanation on either
fide: But from his extreme folicitude left he fhould in any degree be
fufpefled of being concerned in this previous arrangement, a difficulty
arofe how to make him acquainted with the refult of the propofed con-
Verfation On board, which could not be permitted by a verbal melfage ;
at length after fome thought he took up two pieces of paper, and of his
own accord made certain marks with a pencil on each of them, and then
delivered them to me. The difference of thefe marks he could well re-
colleft.; the one was to indicate, that the refult of my inquiries was agreeable
to his wifhes, and the other that it was the contrary. In the
event of my making ufe of the former, he propofed that it fhould not be
fent on fhore fecretly, but in an open and declared manner, and by way
of a joke, as a prefent to his Owhyhean majefty. The natural gaiety of
difpofition which generally prevails amOngft thefe lflanders, would render
this fuppofed difappointment of the king a fubjeft for mirth, would m
fome degree prepare the company for his vifit, and completely do away
every idea of its being the efffea of a preconcerted meafure.
This plan was accordingly carried into execution on the following
monday. Whilfl the queen and her party, totally ignorant of the contrivance,
were receiving the compliments I had intended them, their good
humour and pleafantry were infinitely heightened by the jeffi I propofed to
pafs upon the king, in fending him a piece of paper only, carefully
wrapped up in fome cloth of their own manufafture, accompanied by a
meflage; importing, that as I was then in the aft of diftributing favors
to my Owhyhean friends, I had not been unmindful pf his majefty.
Tmmahmaah. no fooner received the fummons, than he haftened on
board, and with his ufual vivacity exclaimed before he made his appearance,
that he was come to thank me for the prefent I had fent
him, and for my goodnefs in not having forgotten him on this occa-
fion This was heard by every one in the cabin before he entered; and
. E 2 all
February. V— -» y— ,J
Monday 17«