them, if not by all, at leafl by the well-difppftd inhabitants of the
The Difcovery was fecured nearly in her former flation on the following
morning; and the Chatham and Daedalus were difpofed of in the
moft convenient manner for carrying into execution tire refpeftive fer-
vices that each had to perform.
Mr. Kendrick had been here about fix weeks, and k was with infinite
pleafure we underdood, that during that time he had. not only been liberally
fupplied by the inhabitants of the ifland with its feveral productions,
but that the fame orderly, and civil behaviour had been ob-
ferved towards him, which we had experienced on our former vifit;
and which we had every reafon to expect would be continued, from the
affurances we received from the chiefs, and from the acclamations o f the
people, which had refounded from all quarters on our arrival.
Tamaahmaah underltanding that it would be neceffary that we Ihould
land parts of the cargoes o f all the veffels, appointed proper places for their
reception; and knowing we had no more men than we could eondantly
employ for the fpeedy accomplilhment of this bufinefs, he undertook
to be anfwerable for the fafety and fecurity of every thing we might
have occafion to put on Ihore, without our having any guard there for
its protection. He alfo gave orders that his people Ihould fill all our
water calks; and as he confidered that bartering with the feveral chiefs,
and other individuals, for the valuable refrelhments of the country, would
not only be troublefome and unpleafant, but might give rife to difputes
and mifunderftandings between the parties; he defired we would daily,
or as often as Ihould fuit our convenience, make our demands known to
him, and he would take care that the three velfels were duly fupplied
with every neceffary refrefliment.
This confiderate and very friendly arrangement I was happy to concur
in, and at day-light on wednefday morning three large canoes, laden
with forty very fine hogs, and thirty fmall ones, with a propordonate
quantity of vegetables, were, by the directions of the king, didrihuted
amongft our three vefiels.
On this occafion, it was impoflible to avoid making a companfon be- j W
tween our reception and treatment here, by thefe untaught children of ---- -
nature, and the ceremonious conditional offers of accommodation we
experienced at St. Francifco and Monterrey, from the educated civilized
governor of New Albion and California.
After the large canoes had delivered their acceptable cargoes, they
received and took to the Ihore the live cattle, which I had been more
fuccefsful in bringing from New Albion than on the former occafion.
Thefe confided of a young bull nearly full grown, two fine cows, and
two very fine bull calves, all in high condition; as likewife five rams, and
five ewe Iheep. Two of each of thefe, with mod o f the black cattle, were
given to the king; and as thofe I had brought lad year had thrived exceedingly
well; the Iheep having bred, and one of the cows having
brought forth a cow calf; I had little doubt, by this fecond importation,
of having at length effeaed the very defirable objed of edablilhmg m
this ifland a breed of thofe valuable animals.
I learned from Tamaahmaah, that he had iffued the driaed orders fo
to regulate the conduH and behaviour of his people towards us, as he
traded would be the means of infuring a continuance of the harmony
that had fo happily fubfided on our former vifits to his dominions; and
he added that he had many enemies even amongd the chiefs of Owhy-
hee, who were not unlikely to ufe their endeavours for the purpofe of
fruftrating his good intentions, and that it was very important that the
dedans of fuch ill-difpofed perfons fliould be watchfully guarded againd.
I thanked Tamaahmaah for his vigilant attention to preferve our tranquillity
and comfort, and informed him, that I had alfo iffued orders and
directions fimilar to thofe given on my former vifit. Thefe having the
fame tendency, and operating to the fame end, with thofe enjoined by
himfelf, would, 1 hoped, be effeaual in affording us the recreation and
enjoyment of the country, and in fecuring to us a continuation of the
then fubfiding friendly intercourfe. , .
Thefe neceffary precautions being taken-- on both fides, we immediately
began upon the various fervices that demanded our attention.
Thofe appertaining to the reception of the provifions and dores from