^ J794- fome veflels that had vifited Toeaigh bay, and particularly of his having
1— -v-— 1 been beaten by Mr. Metcalf, commanding the Eleonora, at the time when
his fon, who afterwards had the command o f the Fair American, was
on board the former veflel; and alledged, that the indignities he then received
had Simulated him to have recourfe to the favage barbarity, before
recited, towards the younger Mr. Metcalf and his people, by a fentiment
of refentment and revenge; but that he entertained no fuch wicked
defigns againft any one elfe; and that his future behaviour, and that of
his dependants, would confirm the truth o f the proteftations he then
made. After calling upon the feveral chiefs to vouch for the fincerity
o f his intentions, and making every conceflion that could be expefled
o f him for his late unpardonable condufil, his apprehenfions feemed to
fubfide, as his friends appeared to give him credit for his aflertions, and
came forward as fureties for the propriety of his future behaviour.
This fubjefl having been fully difcufled, and concluded, I lhook Ta-
maahmotoo by the hand as a token of my forgivenefs and reconciliation
; and on confirming this friendly difpofition towards him by pre-
fenting him with a few ufeful articles, approbation and applaUfe were
evidently marked in the countenance of every one prefent.
By the time this conciliatory interview was at an end, the dinner was
announced; and as our confecrated pork was exhaufted, Tamaahmaah
had taken care to provide fuch a repaid, confiding of dogs, filh, fowls,
and vegetables, as was fuitable to the keen appetites of our numerous
guefts. The day Was devoted to mirth and fedivity; and the king,
Terrymitee, Tahoumotoo, Tianna, and, indeed, all our old acquaintances,
took their wine and grog with great cheerfulnefs, and in their jokes did
not fpare our new vifitor Tamaahmotoo, for his awkwardnefs and ungraceful
manners at table.
The glals went freely round after dinner; and as this ceremony was
completely within the reach of Tamaahmotoo’^ imitation, he was anxious
to excel in this accomplilhment, by drinking with lels referve than any
one at table. J thought it proper to remind him, that as he was not in
the habit of drinking fpirituous liquors like Tamaahmaah and the other
chiefs prefent, it was nteceffary he Ihould be upon his guard, left the
wine and grog Ihould difagree with him ; but as his fpirits became ex- v---- ,— .
hilarated he became left attentive to thefe admonitions, until the operation
of the liquors obliged him to retire. In this ftate it is not
poflible to imagine a countenance more expreffive of indignation, or
of favage barbarity and refentment; his eyes were fixed on me as he
was carried out of the marquee, Whilft his tongue, no longer confined
within his lips, indiftinflly uttered attoou-arini, fignifying that I
had poifoned him ; and fome prefent, even of our old acquaintance,
feemed to be a little concerned for his fafety. The king, however,
laughed at their apprehenfion, and explained to them the caufe of Tamaahmotoo
s, indifpofition, which, by the afliftance of a little warm water,
was almoft inftantly removed, and he re-joined our party, to the great
entertainment and diverfion of his countrymen, who were ftill very
pleafantly regaling themfelves', and in the perfect enjoyment of each
other’s fociety.
In the front of the marquee, feated on the ground, were two or three
of Tamaahmotoo’s moft confidential friends and conftant attendants. The
behaviour of thefe people, on'their matter being taken from table, fud-
denly changed, from the moft unreferved vivacity to a fufpicious filence;
their eyes fparkled, and their countenances were expreffive of diftruft
and refentment; one of them in particular, who I had not obferved
■ before to be armed, had with him a dagger, made out of the broad part
o f an iron fpit, which he handled with great agitation, and feemed to
be more than half inclined to make ufe of it, to gratify the revenge
that was ftruggling within his breaft. This man contended, in a Ihort
converfation with Tamaahmaah, that Tamaahmotoo had been given a different
bottle to drink out of from the reft of the company ; but on the
king and other perfons drinking fome wine from the fame bottle, he became
pacified ; and the recovery o f the intoxicated chief completely did
away his fufpiciöns Of our having entertained towards his mailer any unfavorable
On this oecafion, however, I could not avoid refle&ing, how indif-
penfably neceflary it is, that the greateft circumfpeflion and caution
i Ihould