Apni! u*'ua^’ meth°d ° f travelling in this .country. I could not, 'however, -help
—-----> expreffing my concern that the poor beafts fhould - be : fo much loaded,
and I objefted to the weight propofed to be.carried, • efpecially the poles
of the tent,- which I fufpefted would prove -too inconvenient a burthen
for them to move under ; indeed’this circumftance produced Some altercation,
between the muleteers and the dragoons; but as there, was no appeal
againft the injunctions of the latter, the multeeers and myfelf were
obliged to acquiefce, and twelve mules were completely loaded with our
tent and baggage. The horfes that had been hired we thought rather
too fmall,. and not of fufficient Strength ; for, befides the weight.of their
rider; they had each a moll, enormous heavy faddle to carry ; but our
Irilh guides undertook to anfwer for their abilities, and the event proved
that their judgment was to be depended upon.
From the town of Valparaifo, which is lituated on a narrow Ira ci of
Very uneven ground at the foot of the fteep rocky precipices, which, at
no great dillance from the water-fide, compofe the (bores, there; is no
pals, immediately into the country but for foot paffengers; for the main
road, which leads into the interior parts of the country, approaches the
fea-lhore through the village ofAlmandrel, whither; our route was ne-
ceffarily directed. This village is pleafantly.Situated-, and is on a more
extenfive border of low land than the town of ValparaifoV but it is
bounded in a fimilar way behind, by deep and nearly barren hills. The
valleys and plains, however, in its immediate; neighbourhood, are fertile,
and large gardens were both cultivated for .profit, and decorated
for amufement. From Almandrel a tolerably .good, though rather
deep, road had been made, in a zigzag way, over a ridgecof hills, of
considerable extent and elevation, the fummit of which occupied,us
full two hours in reaching. The old road between thefe two towns
being a very bad one, and dangerous to pdfs, His Excellency had determined
that a new and more eligible line of road fhould be made; and
■ for the more immediate convenience of the inhabitants of St. Jago and
Valparaifo, this new road, which is about dxteen yards wide, had been
begun from each place, and by that means an eafier and more pleafant
communication with the adjacent country had already been afforded to
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