'794' As the number of thefe ftrangers had inereafed, fo a gradual augmen-
i —L— i tation of the king’s nightly guard had taken place; but on this evening
the guards were at leaft doubled, and in number amounted to about forty,
armed with pallaloos and iron daggers, and ftationed in different places
about the royal refidenee.
This having been the twelfth day’s abfence of Mr. Menries and his
party, and having far exceeded the limits.of time that Tex peeled their
propofed excurfion could have required, I began to be anxious left fome
accident or indifpofition had detained them in the interior country; (being
perfeClly fatisfied that there was not the leaft danger to be apprehended
from the natives,) efpecially as I had received only one note from
the party, and that on the commencement of their journey from the fouth
point of the ifland; and although their excurfion had not at that time
been attended with the expedition I could have wifhed, yet I had reafon
before now to have expefted their return.
The period o f our departure being fall approaching, in order that
we might be in readinefs to fail on the arrival of the party, I direded
Thurfday2o. that every thing fhould be prepared the next mofning for embarking
fuch matters as we had on fhore. Moll of the principal chiefs having, as
ufual, joined our party at breakfaft, the higheft fatisfaftion and admiration
was expreffed at the exhibition that clofed the entertainments of the
preceding day; whilft the preparations that were making for our departure
occafioned a univerfal regret. It was well known that I had already
exceeded the time of my intended flay, and that the' hour would come
when a reparation muff inevitably take place, and probably never to
meet again. Such were the topics of our converfation round the
breakfaft table, when information was brought that a cartridge box,
which the centinel had. fuffered to lie carelefsly about, had been ftolen
from on board the Chatham. On this unpleafant circumftance being
firft reported, Tamaahmaah feemed to be indifferent as to its recovery;
alledging that the centinel had been much in fault in not having taken
proper care of his accoutrements. His reafoning was undoubtedly cor-
reft, and I would willingly have paffed the tranfgreflion unnoticed, rather
than have rifked the chance of any interruption to our prefent harmony;
had not the uniform negative that I had put upon every folicitation from
thefe people, for arms or ammunition, and which was only to be fup- '-----,---- '
ported by faying, that all fuch articles belonged to His Majefty King
George, and that they were ftriHly tabooed, rendered it abfolutely necef-
fary that I Ihould infill on the reftitution of the thing ftolen.
The, converfation that this unlucky incident produced, drew for afhort
time a veil of gloom over the cheerfulnefs which had generally prevailed
; and although this was extremely unpleafant at fo interefting a
period, it was attended with the good effeH of ftimulating the king to
fend Kahowmotoo in quell of the cartridge-box, who, in about half an
hour, brought it to„us. It had been found in the houfe of Cavahecroo,
the chief of the diftrift of Kaoo, and the principal perfon at the village
Kowrowa; but of the diief, who was a woman, no tidings could be
procured; as (he had either made her efcape, or was proteCled under
the peculiar privileges with! which, that village is endowed, in giving protection
to offenders of various deferiptions, whilft they remain within its.
The accoutrement however being reftored, with its contents undimi-
niftied and in good order, all parties were inftantly reconciled, and our fo-
ciety brought back to its former ftandardof harmony and good fpirits ;
though it was apparent that the latter had received fome little check, in.
confequence of the indications of the near approach of our departure,
by the removal of our feveral matters from the fhores to the veilels.
In the afternoon, intelligence was brought that our travellers had reached
the fummit of Mowna Roa, and that they were on their way back ; but,
from the native who brought us this information, it appeared, that they
would yet be fome days before they arrived, as they intended to return
by land, and the roads they had to pafs were very indifferent.
Having refumed my refidenee on board the Ihip, I was on friday compli- Friday a i,
mented with a formal vifit from all the great perfonages in the neighbourhood,
except Cavahecroo*, who, having accepted the ftolen cartridge-box,
I confidered as an acceffary in the theft, and on that account I would not
permit him to enter the ftiip. This exception was no fmall mortification
to his pride, nor, difappointment to his intereft,, as none of his affociates