ROUNTD T H E w o r l d .
the inhabitants of. each of thefe towns than they had hitherto enjoyed.
We were informed by our guides, that the whole of the new road was
not yet finifhed, but was at that time in a progreflive ftate towards completion,
and that we (hould meet the people employed upon it as we
Under’ the prefent circumftanCes of this road, and whilft the dry fea-
fon may continue, it is. doubtlefs as commodious a pafs as could have
been well defigned ; but, from the Joofenefs of the foil, and the acclivity
of the hills along the fides of which it is carried, it appeared to us that
it would be liable to great injury in the winter feafon ; which, we were
told, is frequently fubjefl; to extremely heavy rains, that mull; neceffarily
rulh with great impetuofity down the fides of this fteep mountainous
country. • .
Having gained the top of the road, which pafles over a deprelfed part
of that ridge of lofty hills which bind the fea coaft, we arrived in a fpa-
cious plain, nearly on a level with the fummit of the hills we had now left
behind us. This plain extended to a confiderable diftance, in a north-
eafterly, eafterly, and fouth-eaft direftion, where it finifhed at the bafe
of another ridge of hills, beyond which were feen other ranges varioufly
diverfified, and rifing in fucceffion one after another; until our view
was terminated by the hoary head of the lofty Andes, wrapped in
undiffolving fnow. Had the intervening plain, and the furrounding
rifing hills, exhibited the verdant productions of nature, affifted by the
hand of man, the; landfcape would have been beautiful in the extreme,
but this was not the cafe ; and the apparent fterility of the wide
wafte, that now encompafled us on every fide, rendered that abundant
fupply-of good things which we had been daily accuftomed to fee in
the market of Valparaifo, a circumftance not eafily to be accounted
Inftead of numerous villages, fertile pallures, and fields in high cultivation,
which I had expefted to find, after pafling . over the hills
near, the fea fliore, an extenfive open defert now appeared before us;
deftitute of wood, and nearly fo of verdure; as’,a few Runted trees