fouthward from Monterrey; and fuch difpatches for government as I
thought proper to tranfmit by this conveyance, to the care o f the commanding
officer at that port.
Some plants of the bread fruit were alfo put on board, in order that
Mr. Hanlon, in his way to New South Wales, Ihould endeavour, in the
event of his viliting Norfolk ifland, to introduce there that moft valuable
production of the vegetable kingdom.
Sequel o f tranfaclions at Karakahooa— CeJJion o f the i/land o f Owhyhee—
AJlronomical and nautical ohfervations.
W H I L S T the re-equipment of the veflels was going forward in this
hofpitable port, I had remained chiefly on board ; but having now little i----. „1
to attend to there, on funday I took up my abode at the encampment, Sunday g<
highly to the fatisfaciion of the k ing; who, for the purpofe of obtaining
fuch knowledge as might hereafter enable him to follow the example
of our artificers, had paid the llriClelt attention to all their proceedings in
the conllruCtion of. the Britannia. This had latterly fo much engaged him,
that, we had been favored with little of his company on board the veflels ;
yet I had the fatisfadion of reflecting, that his having been occafionally
with us, and conftantly in our neighbourhood, had been the means of
reltraining the ill-difpofed, and. of encouraging the very orderly, and
friendly behaviour that we had experienced from the inhabitants without
the leaft interruption whatever. An uniform zeal directed the con-
duCt of every Indian,, in the performance of fuch offices of kindnefs as
we appeared to Hand in need of, or which they confidered would be acceptable
; thefe were executed with fuch promptitude and cheerfulnefs,
as to indicate that they confidered their labours amply repaid by our acceptance
of their fervices; yet I trull they were better rewarded than if
they had aCled on more interefted principles.
Our reception and entertainment here by thefe unlettered people,
who in general have been.dillinguilhed by the appellation of favages, was
fuch as, I believe, is feldom equalled by the moll civilized nations of