^79*- refleftion he had thought proper to decline, were not dictated by mo-
t__v__i tives o f the moft friendly and difinterefted nature.
Thefe unwelcome tidings being concluded, Mr. Broughton attended
me on fhore with the two chiefs and the ycJung Englilhman, who was
extremely ferviceable to us as an interpreter; and pointed out to the
natives our friendly intentions towards them, and the manner in which
they fhould conduft themfelves, not only to infure our good opinion, but to
obtain the advantages that would eventually refult to themfelves from our
vilit. On landing, I underftood from Mr. Puget that every thing was,
and had been, conduced with the greateft propriety and good order by
all parties. Trade for provifions, wood, &c. was going on very brifldy,
and our fupply of water was equal to our wifhes.
Matters thus pleafantly circumftanced, we embarked with Mr. Men-
zies and Mr. Whidbey, who had accompanied us on fhore, in a double
canoe to examine the river, which, at the diftance of about half a league
from the entrance, divides into two branches, one ftretching towards the
e .n .e . ; the other, feemingly the furtheft navigable, took a northerly
direftion, in which however we were not able to advance more than five
hundred yards beyond the wall we had vifited the preceding evening.
Here we landed, and confidered ourfelves about three miles from the fea-
fide, to which we now returned by a path fomewhat nearer the foot of
the mountains than before, through a fimilar country; and were on this
occafion more peftered and difgufted, if poffible, with the obfcene importunities
o f the women, than on our former excurfion.
Nomateehetee returned with u sto dinner; Too remained with Rehooa to
Sunday 11. aflift our party on fhore. The next morning Nomateehetee produced a
lift o f certificates from four different commanders of trading velfels who
had lately vifited thefe iflands. The firft, dated in april 1791, figned by
J. Colnett of the Argonaut, recommended this chief to the notice of
future vifitors; but the others figned by J. Ingram of the Hope, Thomas
Barnet o f the Guftavus, and John Kendrick of the Lady Wafhing-
ton, the two former without dates, the latter dated 27 oftober, 179J,
all direft that the greateft circumfpe&ion Ihould be obferved in the in-
tercourfe of ftrangers with thefe iflanders, notwithftanding the good
opinion entertained o f their fidelity, or the recommendation given, by ‘ 79£
Mr. Colnett. I told Nomateehetee the paper fpoke much in his praife and '— — .
favor, and defired that he would not omit (hewing it to the commander
o f the next and every other veffel that might arrive at Attowai, which
he promifed to do, and requefted it might remain on board until our
The caulkers having finilhed the quarter deck of the Difcovery, they
were fent on board the Chatham to execute a fimilar fervice.
Another of the party left by the Lady Walhington now made his
appearance, which did not fpeak much in his favor. This man’s name
was Coleman, and Rowbottom had laid he was of Ireland, which the
man himfelf pofitively denied, and declared he was an American, born
at New York. He had in moft refpects adopted, the cuftoms of the natives,
particularly in drels-, or rather in nakednefs; for, excepting the
maro, which he wore with much lefs decency than the generality of the
inhabitants., he was perfeftly naked, and the colour o f his (kin was little
whiter than the faireft of thefe people. I alked him what he had
done with his former clothes ; to which he anfwered with a fneer, that
“ they were hanging up in a houfe for the admiration of the natives” ;
and feemed greatly to exult in having degenerated into a favage way of
life. He acquainted- me, that he was charged with a meffage from the
prince, to alk what flay I intended to make, and to inquire if we were
friendly and peaceably difpofed. I defired he would inform the prince,
that we Ihould depart the inftant a fupply of water was obtained; that I
was very defirous of having an interview both with him and Enemoh, but
that I could not be detained for this purpofe; and that, as a further
pledge o f the favorable difpofition we bore towards him and his people,
I defired he would prefent to the prince a piece of fcarlet cloth in my
name. With this embaffy he immediately fet off, after alluring me that
the prince and regent, with many other chiefs, would pay us- their re-
fpefts by noon the next day.
The afternoon being delightfully pleafant, I made a fmall excurfion to
the weftward along the beach; and on returning, obferved the hills to
the eaftward o f the river to be on fire from a confiderable height, in