Tuefday 1
being clear, afforded us employment in taking fome good lunar obferva-
tions ; which, reduced to the 12th at noon, gave the mean refult of four
fets, taken by me, 120 24* weft longitude; four fets taken by Mr.Whidbey,
1 20 30*; the chronometer at the fame time Ihewing 12° 9' ; and as I con-
fidered the latter to be neareft the truth, the lunar obfervations appeared
to be 15' to 21' too far to the weftward. The longitude, by dead
reckoning, 130 22/, and the latitude 44° 22* north. The error in reckoning
amounting almoft to a degree, feemed moft likely to have been occa-
fioned by our not having made fufficient allowance for the variation of
the compafs on our firft failing, as, inftead of allowing from 22° to 25°*
which was what we efteemed the variation, our obfervations for afcertain-
ing this fact, when the fhip was fufficiently fteady, Ihewed the variation to
be 28° and 29° ^weftwardly. Thefe opportunities, however, had not
occurred fo frequently'as-I could have wifhed, owing to a conftant irregular
fwell that had accompanied us fince leaving the land, and caufed fo
much motion and pitching, that the whole head railings, bumkins, &c.
were again walhed away.
In latitude 42° 34' north, longitude 120 3 1 'weft, the variation of the
compafs, by the mean refult of fix fets of obfervations taken by three
compaffes differing from 25° 57' to 27° 35', was obferved to be 26° 29
weftwardly. The current was found to let in a direction e .n.e.' at the
rate of a quarter of a mile per hour. The whole o f the day being perfectly
calm, with remarkably fine weather, induced me to embrace the
opportunity of unbending all our fails which wanted alteration, and to
bend an entire new fu it; thefe I caufed to be foaked over board for lbme
hours, that the fea water might diffolve the fize ufed in making the can-
vafs, and by that means aft as a preventive againft the mildew in hot
rainy weather. This procefs might probably be found ufeful in the
operation of bleaching.
On our departure from England, I did not intend ufing any antifeptic
provifions, until the refrelhments which we might be enabled to procure
at the Madeiras fhould be exhaufted; but light baffling winds, together
with the crank fituation and bad -failing o f the ChalHiam, having lb
Thurfday 21.- retarded Our progrefs, that, by the -21ft, we were advanced no further
Saturday i6.
than the latitude o f 35° /north, longitude 14“ 40'weft: four krout and
portable broth had, for fome days; been ferved on board each o f the . April~
veffels; the ftore rooms had been cleared, cleaned, and walhed with vinegar,
and the (hip had been fmoked with gunpowder mixed with vinegar.
As I had ever confidered fire the moft likely and efficacious means to keep'
up a conftant circulation of frelh and pure air throughout a fhip ; in the
fore part of every day good fires were burning between decks, and in the
well. Both decks were kept clean, and as dry as poffible, and notwith-
ftanding the weather was hot, and the fmoke and heat thence arifing was
confidered as inconvenient and difagreeable, yet I was confident that a due
attention to this particular, and not walhing too frequently below, Were
mdifpenfable precautions, and would be produftive of the moft falubrious
and happy effefis in preferving the health and lives o f our people. Thefe
preventive meafures becoming the Handing orders o f the Difcovery,
it will bë unneceffary hereafter tp repeat that they were ' regularly enforced,
as they were obferved throughout thé voyage with the ftrifteft
attention. It may not, however, on this fubjeft, be improper to remark
that i f inftead of bifcuit, feamen were provided with frelh foft bread
which can eafily be made very good at fea, and a large proportion of
wholefome water, where the nature o f the fervices will admit o f fuch a
fupply, they would add greatly to the prefervation o f that moft valuable
o f all bleffings, health.
, The evening o f the 23d, being remarkably fine and ferene, brought Saturday
us in fight of the illand Porto Sanfto, bearing by compafs s.w. i-w. sunda -4
20 leagues diftant; the next afternoon we paffed its meridian, when U”
the chronometer Ihewing its longitude to be 16° 24' 15", varying only
one minute to the weftward o f the true longitude o f that illand, proved
ltfelf to be going very well. As Madeira was our objefit, every effort
was exerted to gain Funchal Road, until the evening o f the 25th, Monday ,5.
when the wind becoming exceffively variable, and the weather gloomy
and unfettled, that ftation feemed ineligible for executing the fervice
of which the Chatham flood in need; namely, the breaking up her
hold, for the purpofe o f receiving a large portion of ballaft. Confider-
ing therefore the roadftead o f S“ Cruz, as better calculated for this bufinels,